Responsabilidade civil no ambiente digital audiovisual a pirataria no streaming
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Viana, Giulia Rodrigues
Sgrignolli, Ruth Carolina
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Membros da banca
Visa o presente artigo a estudar o financiamento das empresas em recuperação
judicial no Brasil - no bojo das alterações implementadas pela Lei n. 14.112/2020, a partir de
uma análise comparativa com o modelo norte-americano de DIP Financing. Neste trabalho,
de abordagem essencialmente teórica e bibliográfica, através do cotejo comparativo entre a
aplicabilidade do DIP Financing à luz do U.S Bankruptcy Code nos Estados Unidos e da Lei
de Recuperações Judiciais e Falências no Brasil (Lei n. 11.101/2005), examinam-se os
principais entraves até então expostos para a ampliação do número de investidores
interessados nesse nicho e o desenvolvimento desse mercado, o qual mostra-se relevante para
oferecer às empresas em situação de crise financeira uma maior variedade de instrumentos
capazes de viabilizar o seu soerguimento.
This article aims to study the financing of companies undergoing judicial reorganization in Brazil - in the wake of the changes implemented by Law no. 14.112/2020, based on a comparative analysis with the North American model of DIP Financing. In this work, with an essentially theoretical and bibliographical approach, through the comparative comparison between the applicability of DIP Financing in the light of the U.S Bankruptcy Code in the United States and the Law on Judicial Reorganization and Bankruptcy in Brazil (Law no. 11.101/2005), we examine if the main obstacles exposed so far for the expansion of the number of investors interested in this niche and the development of this market, which proves to be relevant to offer companies in a situation of financial crisis a greater variety of instruments capable of enabling their uplift.
This article aims to study the financing of companies undergoing judicial reorganization in Brazil - in the wake of the changes implemented by Law no. 14.112/2020, based on a comparative analysis with the North American model of DIP Financing. In this work, with an essentially theoretical and bibliographical approach, through the comparative comparison between the applicability of DIP Financing in the light of the U.S Bankruptcy Code in the United States and the Law on Judicial Reorganization and Bankruptcy in Brazil (Law no. 11.101/2005), we examine if the main obstacles exposed so far for the expansion of the number of investors interested in this niche and the development of this market, which proves to be relevant to offer companies in a situation of financial crisis a greater variety of instruments capable of enabling their uplift.
direito falimentar , recuperação judicial , crise econômico-financeira , bankruptcy law , judicial reorganization , economic-financial crisis