O impacto do racismo na fila da adoção
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Nascimento, Mayara do
Vellozo, Júlio César de Oliveira
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Esta dissertação objetiva o estudo do racismo no Brasil e o seu impacto na fila da adoção. O objetivo foi analisar o reflexo do racismo na sociedade, a origem do pensamento racista e como ele ainda se manifesta no país, especialmente no processo de adoção. Apresenta conceitos como criança e/ou adolescente, família, adoção e racismo, assim como a análise histórica, mudança da legislação sobre os respectivos temas e a mudança da sociedade ao longo do tempo, para, posteriormente, discutir o racismo estrutural e institucional presente no Sistema Nacional de Adoção. Para tanto, foi necessário a análise de dados do Cadastro Nacional de Adoção, bibliográficos e documentais, para entender por que existe uma discrepância entre o número de candidatos à adoção e o de crianças disponíveis para tal finalidade, assim como o preterimento de crianças brancas em face das afrodescendentes. De maneira geral, este trabalho apontou que o preconceito racial intrínseco no pensamento das pessoas, herança da escravidão – que durou mais de três séculos no país, impacta diretamente no processo de adoção, fazendo com que o perfil de “filho perfeito” seja o da menina, branca, até 6 anos, enquanto a realidade dos abrigos institucionais seja o do menino, pardo e negro, com mais de 7 anos.
This dissertation aims to study racism in Brazil and its impact on the adoption queue. The objective was to analyze the reflection of racism in society, the origin of racist thinking and how it still manifests itself in the country, especially in the adoption process. It presents concepts such as children and/or adolescents, family, adoption and racism, as well as the historical analysis, changes in legislation on the respective themes and the change in society over time, to later discuss the structural and institutional racism present in the National Adoption System. Therefore, it was necessary to analyze bibliographic and documentary data from the National Adoption Registry, to understand why there is a discrepancy between the number of candidates for adoption and the number of children available for this purpose, as well as the neglect of white children in face of Afro-descendants. In general, this work pointed out that the intrinsic racial prejudice in people's thinking, legacy of slavery - which lasted more than three centuries in the country, directly impacts the adoption process, making the profile of the "perfect child" that of the girl, white, up to 6 years old, while the reality of institutional shelters is that of boys, brown and black, over 7 years old.
This dissertation aims to study racism in Brazil and its impact on the adoption queue. The objective was to analyze the reflection of racism in society, the origin of racist thinking and how it still manifests itself in the country, especially in the adoption process. It presents concepts such as children and/or adolescents, family, adoption and racism, as well as the historical analysis, changes in legislation on the respective themes and the change in society over time, to later discuss the structural and institutional racism present in the National Adoption System. Therefore, it was necessary to analyze bibliographic and documentary data from the National Adoption Registry, to understand why there is a discrepancy between the number of candidates for adoption and the number of children available for this purpose, as well as the neglect of white children in face of Afro-descendants. In general, this work pointed out that the intrinsic racial prejudice in people's thinking, legacy of slavery - which lasted more than three centuries in the country, directly impacts the adoption process, making the profile of the "perfect child" that of the girl, white, up to 6 years old, while the reality of institutional shelters is that of boys, brown and black, over 7 years old.
adoção , racismo , família , preconceito racial , adoption , racism , family , racial prejure