A morte e os bens digitais
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Hernandez, Gabrielle Sapatera
Theophilo Junior, Roque
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A sociedade está cada vez mais hiperconectada ao mundo online e experimenta-se
uma virtualização da vida. Neste sentido, o presente artigo busca responder como o mundo
jurídico lida com tais mudanças, se estamos diante de uma nova categoria de bens (os bens
digitais) e seu destino após a morte de seus titulares, ou seja, como o direito sucessório lida com
os bens virtuais. Tal impacto na Ciência do Direito será abordado por meio da visualização de
casos sobre esta temática no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e de outros países e, ainda, pela
análise dos principais projetos de lei existentes no Brasil.
Society is more and more hyperconnected to the online world and a virtualization of life is being experienced. In this sense, this article seeks to answer how the legal world deals with such changes, whether we are facing a new category of assets (digital goods) and their fate after the death of their owners, i.e., how succession law deals with virtual goods. This impact on the science of law will be addressed by viewing cases on this topic in the Brazilian legal system and in other countries, and also by analyzing the main bills in Brazil.
Society is more and more hyperconnected to the online world and a virtualization of life is being experienced. In this sense, this article seeks to answer how the legal world deals with such changes, whether we are facing a new category of assets (digital goods) and their fate after the death of their owners, i.e., how succession law deals with virtual goods. This impact on the science of law will be addressed by viewing cases on this topic in the Brazilian legal system and in other countries, and also by analyzing the main bills in Brazil.
bens digitais , sucessão , herança digital , digital goods , succession , digital heritage