Responsabilidade civil pela perda de uma chance como dano autônomo
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Costa, Gabriel da Silva
Souza, André Pagani de
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A responsabilidade civil surgiu, rudimentarmente, como uma espécie de vingança pessoal, na
qual era compreensível uma reação humana em razão de um mal sofrido. Com o decorrer do
tempo, a responsabilidade civil foi se aperfeiçoando à medida em que a sociedade evoluía, até
chegar no que conhecemos hoje como um instituto que visa reparar danos de diversas espécies.
Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho trata de uma dessas espécies que surgiu com a evolução
social, qual seja: a responsabilidade civil pela perda de uma chance. Dentro desse tema, buscase
contribuir para que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro pacifique o entendimento de que a
perda de uma chance se caracteriza como uma espécie de dano autônomo. Para isso,
preliminarmente, será explicada algumas noções gerais a respeito da responsabilidade civil
para, após, focar na perda de uma chance, na qual será estudado desde o contexto histórico até
pontos mais específicos, como, por exemplo, explicar como é calculado o dano nesses casos e,
principalmente, diferenciar a perda de uma chance dos outros institutos já existentes, tais como:
dano moral, lucros cessantes e danos emergentes.
Civil liability arose, rudimentarily, as a kind of personal revenge, in which a human reaction was understandable due to an evil suffered. As time went by, civil liability improved as society evolved, until it became what we know today as an institute aiming to repair various damages. In this sense, this paper deals with one of these species that emerged with social evolution: civil liability for loss of a chance. Within this theme, we seek to contribute so that the Brazilian Jurisdictional Order pacifies the understanding that the loss of a chance is characterized as a kind of autonomous damage. For this, preliminarily, some general notions on civil responsibility will be explained, afterward, be focused on the loss of a chance, which will be studied from the historical context to more specific points, such as, for example, explaining how damage is calculated in these cases and, mainly, differentiating the loss of a chance from other institutes that already exist, such as moral damage, loss of profits and emergent damages.
Civil liability arose, rudimentarily, as a kind of personal revenge, in which a human reaction was understandable due to an evil suffered. As time went by, civil liability improved as society evolved, until it became what we know today as an institute aiming to repair various damages. In this sense, this paper deals with one of these species that emerged with social evolution: civil liability for loss of a chance. Within this theme, we seek to contribute so that the Brazilian Jurisdictional Order pacifies the understanding that the loss of a chance is characterized as a kind of autonomous damage. For this, preliminarily, some general notions on civil responsibility will be explained, afterward, be focused on the loss of a chance, which will be studied from the historical context to more specific points, such as, for example, explaining how damage is calculated in these cases and, mainly, differentiating the loss of a chance from other institutes that already exist, such as moral damage, loss of profits and emergent damages.
responsabilidade civil , perda de uma chance , dano autônomo , civil responsibility , loss of a chance , autonomous damage