Aspectos interessantes decorrentes da modalidade contratual built to suit e sua perspectiva de celebração para fins residenciais
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Acca, Gabriel Cardoso
Caldeira, Adriano César Braz
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O presente trabalho tem como finalidade realizar um estudo sobre aspectos interessantes decorrentes da modalidade contratual built to suit, especialmente no que se refere ao potencial dessa nova modalidade gerar uma expressiva movimentação no mercado imobiliário e na economia. Ao longo da dissertação, pretende-se discorrer sobre elementos peculiares desse contrato, como: sua natureza jurídica; a sua relação com a administração pública; sua função social; a possibilidade de revisão contratual etc. Considerando a recente “solidificação” dessa nova modalidade no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e a fim de esclarecer quais as regras aplicadas ao built to suit, o presente trabalho também analisou a Lei nº 8.245 (alterada pela Lei 12.744/2012), de 18 de outubro de 1991 (Lei de Locações) e outras modalidades negociais, como leasing e o contrato de empreitada, trazendo um histórico de adaptação deste modelo contratual estrangeiro para o direito brasileiro, apontando quais as dificuldades enfrentadas, os riscos decorrentes do referido contrato, bem como as benesses que dele advém. Por fim, em especial, também fará alusão sobre a possibilidade de, futuramente, nos depararmos com essa nova modalidade para fins residenciais
The present study aims to study interesting aspects of the built to suit contractual characteristic, especially referring to the potential of this new modality to generate a transformation in the real estate market and in the economy. Throughout the dissertation, we will seek to address peculiar elements of this contract such as: its legal nature; its relationship with State administration; its social function; the possibility of contractual review etc. Considering the recent “consolidation” of this modality in the Brazilian legal system and seeking to clarify which rules apply to built to suit, we also analyzed Law nº 8.245 (amends by Law 12.744/2012) of October 18th 1991 (Leases Law) and other contract modalities, such as leasing and enterprise contracts, including a review of modifications that were applied to this foreign contractual model to Brazilian, what difficulties are faced, the risks of the referred contract, as well as the benefits that come from it. Finally, and especially, it will also allude to the possibility that, in the future, we will come across this new modality for residential purposes.
The present study aims to study interesting aspects of the built to suit contractual characteristic, especially referring to the potential of this new modality to generate a transformation in the real estate market and in the economy. Throughout the dissertation, we will seek to address peculiar elements of this contract such as: its legal nature; its relationship with State administration; its social function; the possibility of contractual review etc. Considering the recent “consolidation” of this modality in the Brazilian legal system and seeking to clarify which rules apply to built to suit, we also analyzed Law nº 8.245 (amends by Law 12.744/2012) of October 18th 1991 (Leases Law) and other contract modalities, such as leasing and enterprise contracts, including a review of modifications that were applied to this foreign contractual model to Brazilian, what difficulties are faced, the risks of the referred contract, as well as the benefits that come from it. Finally, and especially, it will also allude to the possibility that, in the future, we will come across this new modality for residential purposes.
Indicado à Publicação
contratos , contratos atípicos , locação , contracts , unregulated contracts , lease