Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados: impactos e imposições às redes sociais
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Melo, Fernando Oliveira
Rodrigues, Luiz Gustavo Friggi
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Implementada em 2020, a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados surge com escopo definido pelo legislador: regulamentação e amparo legal ao titular de dados. É notório que, antes da LGPD, a legislação nacional carecia de instrumentos protetivos contra coleta e tratamento abusivo de dados pessoais, problemática amplamente minada com a implementação da referida lei.
Em mercados paralelos, dados pessoais atingem valores imensuráveis econômica e socialmente falando, permitindo que organizações realizem: análises de público, perfilamento de consumidores, impulsionamento de determinados produtos, serviços ou interesses políticos, através do uso de marketing direcionado, sem intermediários, gerando um retorno financeiro ou de influência bruta considerável.
Um exemplo notório dessa prática foi o caso da Cambridge Analytica, envolvendo a venda de dados coletados pelo Facebook contendo informações pessoalmente identificáveis de até 87 milhões de usuários e seu consequente uso para razões políticas impactando as eleições presidenciais norte americanas.
Em razão da importância dos dados exemplificados, este estudo tem como finalidade reforçar a necessidade de proteger os titulares de dados, para que seus direitos e intimidades mantenham-se invioláveis, à luz dos direitos fundamentais amparados constitucionalmente.
Portanto, abordaremos, especificamente, o papel das redes sociais no tratamento de dados pessoais, quais foram os impactos, adequações e imposições exigidas pela Lei 13.709/2018 a essas plataformas massivas e, paralelamente, analisaremos o cenário vigente do tratamento de dados nacional.. Tudo isso, através de extensiva análise e pesquisa dos mais diversos materiais científicos, analíticos, artigos e relatórios disponíveis em nossa doutrina.
Implemented in 2020, Law 13.709/2018 – LGPD had a defined scope under the regulators eyes: regulation and legal protection of data subjects. It is notable that, before LGPD, national legislature lacked protection instruments against abusive collection and treatment of personal data, problematic widely mined with the law implementation. In parallel markets personal data assets reach immeasurable values, socially and economically speaking, allowing organizations: to analyze audiences, profile consumers, boost certain products, services and even political interests using direct marketing tools without intermediaries, generating a much higher gross profitability or influence. A notorious example of this practice was Cambridge Analytica Case involving commercialization of data collected by Facebook containing personally identifiable information of up to 87 million users and its subsequent usage for Political reasons impacting the North American presidential elections. Considering the importance of the aforementioned data, this study aims on reinforcing the need for protection of the data subjects, in order that their rights and intimacy are kept inviolable, under the light of Fundamental Rights sustained by the Constitution. This put, we will address specifically the role of social media on the treatment of personal data, the impacts, adequations and requirements imposed by Law 13.709/2018 to those massive platforms and, concurrently, analyze the current national scenario on data processing. All of which will be carried by means of thorough analysis and research of diverse scientific materials, analytics, articles and reports available in our doctrine.
Implemented in 2020, Law 13.709/2018 – LGPD had a defined scope under the regulators eyes: regulation and legal protection of data subjects. It is notable that, before LGPD, national legislature lacked protection instruments against abusive collection and treatment of personal data, problematic widely mined with the law implementation. In parallel markets personal data assets reach immeasurable values, socially and economically speaking, allowing organizations: to analyze audiences, profile consumers, boost certain products, services and even political interests using direct marketing tools without intermediaries, generating a much higher gross profitability or influence. A notorious example of this practice was Cambridge Analytica Case involving commercialization of data collected by Facebook containing personally identifiable information of up to 87 million users and its subsequent usage for Political reasons impacting the North American presidential elections. Considering the importance of the aforementioned data, this study aims on reinforcing the need for protection of the data subjects, in order that their rights and intimacy are kept inviolable, under the light of Fundamental Rights sustained by the Constitution. This put, we will address specifically the role of social media on the treatment of personal data, the impacts, adequations and requirements imposed by Law 13.709/2018 to those massive platforms and, concurrently, analyze the current national scenario on data processing. All of which will be carried by means of thorough analysis and research of diverse scientific materials, analytics, articles and reports available in our doctrine.
Indicado à Inovação, Empreendedorismo e Publicação
tratamento de dados , imposições e adequação , redes sociais , data processing , impositions and suitability , social networks