Imputabilidade penal de “serial killer” portador de psicopatia
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Alves, Arthur Henrique
Aranha Filho, Adalberto José Queiroz Telles de Camargo
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O presente artigo pretende analisar como o assassino em série portador e a psicopatia são tratados à luz do Direito Penal Brasileiro, compreendendo o que de fato é um “Serial Killer”, suas características e comportamentos. Ademais, cabe verificar, a partir das análises doutrinárias, onde o “Serial Killer” portador de psicopatia está localizado dentro do âmbito da Imputabilidade penal, visto que é incerto se o agente é imputável, semi-imputável ou inimputável, fazendo-se necessário examinar o surgimento da psicopatia e os motivos que levam o psicopata a cometer assassinatos em série e, por fim, compreender as medidas jurídicas que são adotadas para o determinado agente.
The present article intends to analyze how the serial killer and psychopathy are treated under Brazilian Criminal Law, understanding what in fact a Serial Killer is, his characteristics and behaviors. Furthermore, it is necessary to verify from the doctrinaire analyses where the Serial Killer with psychopathy is located within the scope of penal imputability, since it is uncertain whether the agent is imputable, semi-imputable or not, making it necessary to examine the appearance of psychopathy and the reasons that lead the psychopath to commit serial killings and, finally, to understand the legal measures that are adopted for the determined agent.
The present article intends to analyze how the serial killer and psychopathy are treated under Brazilian Criminal Law, understanding what in fact a Serial Killer is, his characteristics and behaviors. Furthermore, it is necessary to verify from the doctrinaire analyses where the Serial Killer with psychopathy is located within the scope of penal imputability, since it is uncertain whether the agent is imputable, semi-imputable or not, making it necessary to examine the appearance of psychopathy and the reasons that lead the psychopath to commit serial killings and, finally, to understand the legal measures that are adopted for the determined agent.
serial killer , imputabilidade , psicopatia , imputability , psychopathy