Limites quanto à aplicação das medidas coercitivas atípicas na execução por quantia certa
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Rosa, Marina de Andrade Rolim
Caraciola, Andrea Boari
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O objeto do presente artigo científico é propor uma reflexão acerca da aplicabilidade das medidas atípicas coercitivas, em especial as de apreensão de passaporte e suspensão da carteira nacional de habilitação no âmbito dos processos de execução, sobretudo os que versam sobre a obrigação de pagar quantia certa, levando-se em conta a análise do atual entendimento jurisprudencial e doutrinário a respeito do tema, com enfoque ao poder geral de efetivação conferido ao magistrado para aplicação destas medidas, estabelecido pela redação conferida ao artigo 139, inciso IV do Código de Processo Civil de 2015, do qual deriva o poder geral de coerção do magistrado, propondo reflexão acerca dos critérios, bem como os limites para utilização e emprego das referidas medidas coercitivas de caráter indireto, em detrimento das particularidades do caso concreto, e em observância ao princípio do devido acesso à justiça, sobretudo na busca pela satisfação da tutela do interessado, em paralelo a análise da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 5941, em trâmite perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal.
The purpose of this scientific article is a reflection of the applicability of atypical coercive measures, in particular those of passport seizure, and suspension of driver’s license within the scope of enforcement procedures, especially the enforcement of amount, taking into account the analysis of the current jurisprudential and doctrinal understanding on the subject, focusing on the general power of effectiveness conferred on the magistrate for the interposition of these measures, established by the wording given to article 139, item IV of the Civil Procedure Code of 2015, from which the general power of coercion derives, proposing reflection about the criteria and limits for the use and employment of the aforementioned coercive measures of indirect nature, according to the particularities of the concrete case, and in compliance with the principle of due access to justice, especially in the search for the satisfaction of the interested party, in parallel with the analysis of A Direct Unconstitutionality Act No. 5941, pending before the Federal Supreme Court.
The purpose of this scientific article is a reflection of the applicability of atypical coercive measures, in particular those of passport seizure, and suspension of driver’s license within the scope of enforcement procedures, especially the enforcement of amount, taking into account the analysis of the current jurisprudential and doctrinal understanding on the subject, focusing on the general power of effectiveness conferred on the magistrate for the interposition of these measures, established by the wording given to article 139, item IV of the Civil Procedure Code of 2015, from which the general power of coercion derives, proposing reflection about the criteria and limits for the use and employment of the aforementioned coercive measures of indirect nature, according to the particularities of the concrete case, and in compliance with the principle of due access to justice, especially in the search for the satisfaction of the interested party, in parallel with the analysis of A Direct Unconstitutionality Act No. 5941, pending before the Federal Supreme Court.
medidas coercitivas atípicas , execução , obrigação de pagar quantia certa , efetivação , atypical coercive measures , execution , enforcement of amount , effectiveness