A escola neo-brandeisiana e sua compatibilidade com os princípios concorrenciais brasileiros
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Chung, Marco
Salgado, Rodrigo Oliveira
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Nos meados da década de 2010, houve o surgimento de uma nova escola de pensamento no direito concorrencial chamada Escola Neo-Brandeisiana (New Brandeis Movement). Originária dos Estados Unidos, esta escola ganhou proeminência na literatura concorrencial nacional e internacional por se opor à corrente dominante dentro da doutrina antitruste estadunidense, primordialmente por suas críticas à Escola de Chicago e ao padrão de bem-estar do consumidor, sendo que seus expoentes assumiram cargos de chefia nos principais órgãos antitrustes estadunidense em 2021. Devido à sua rápida ascensão e importância no atual debate concorrencial, o presente trabalho realizará (i) uma revisão aprofundada da literatura neo-brandeisiana e (ii) uma análise de compatibilidade dos objetivos e reformas neo-brandeisianas com os princípios estruturantes do sistema concorrencial brasileiro. A revisão da literatura neo-brandeisiana (Capítulo 2) foi dividida em três subseções: (2.1) principais críticas levantadas contra a Escola de Chicago; (2.2) objetivos político-econômicos do direito concorrencial; e (2.3) reformas e mudanças defendidas pelo Neo-Brandeisianismo. A análise de compatibilidade (Capítulo 3) foi realizada com os principais princípios concorrenciais brasileiros, sendo que foi observado que os objetivos e as reformas defendidas pela Escola Neo-Brandeisiana são compatíveis com diversos princípios estruturantes do direito concorrencial e da ordem econômica brasileira.
In the mid-2010s, a new school of thought in competition/antitrust law emerged called the New Brandeis Movement. Originating in the United States, this school gained prominence in the national and international antitrust literature for its rejection of the mainstream American antitrust doctrine, primarily due to its critiques of the Chicago School and the consumer welfare standard, culminating in 2021 with its advocates assuming leadership positions in the main American antitrust organizations. Due to its rapid rise and importance in current antitrust debates, this article shall conduct (i) an in-depth literature review of the New Brandeis Movement and (ii) a compatibility analysis of the New Brandeis objectives and proposed reforms with the guiding principles of Brazilian antitrust law. The New Brandeis literature review (Chapter 2) was divided into three subsections: (2.1) main criticism leveled against the Chicago School; (2.2) political-economic objectives of antitrust law; and (2.3) proposed reforms and changes of the New Brandeis Movement. The compatibility analysis (Chapter 3) was conducted with the main Brazilian antitrust principles, and it was concluded that the objectives and reforms proposed by the New Brandeis Movement are compatible with several of the guiding principles of the Brazilian antitrust law and economic order.
In the mid-2010s, a new school of thought in competition/antitrust law emerged called the New Brandeis Movement. Originating in the United States, this school gained prominence in the national and international antitrust literature for its rejection of the mainstream American antitrust doctrine, primarily due to its critiques of the Chicago School and the consumer welfare standard, culminating in 2021 with its advocates assuming leadership positions in the main American antitrust organizations. Due to its rapid rise and importance in current antitrust debates, this article shall conduct (i) an in-depth literature review of the New Brandeis Movement and (ii) a compatibility analysis of the New Brandeis objectives and proposed reforms with the guiding principles of Brazilian antitrust law. The New Brandeis literature review (Chapter 2) was divided into three subsections: (2.1) main criticism leveled against the Chicago School; (2.2) political-economic objectives of antitrust law; and (2.3) proposed reforms and changes of the New Brandeis Movement. The compatibility analysis (Chapter 3) was conducted with the main Brazilian antitrust principles, and it was concluded that the objectives and reforms proposed by the New Brandeis Movement are compatible with several of the guiding principles of the Brazilian antitrust law and economic order.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC pela banca examinadora
direito concorrencial , objetivos do antitruste , neo-brandeisianismo , escola neo-brandeisiana , antitrust/competition law , antitrust objectives , new brandeis movement , neo-brandeis school