Análise do pilar 2 da ação 1 do projeto BEPS da OCDE sobre as regras mínimas da tributação transnacional
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Vanzelli, Lucas Carvalho
Chimenti, Ricardo Cunha
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O presente trabalho busca analisar a Ação 1 do projeto BEPS, seu contexto histórico, suas características, objetivos e estrutura. Inicialmente serão apresentados os desafios criados com a digitalização e globalização da economia mundial. Em seguida, serão expostos os aspectos históricos do projeto BEPS, criado em resposta a tais desafios. Será, então, apresentada a Ação 1 e sua proposta de solução baseada em 2 pilares. O Pilar 1 será tratado de maneira mais panorâmica, enquanto o Pilar 2 receberá estudo de maneira mais detalhada com a apresentação de conceitos relevantes para a sua aplicação e apresentando por meio de exemplos os mecanismos de funcionamento das regras IIR e UTPR.
The present work seeks to analyze Action 1 of the BEPS project, its historical context, its characteristics, objectives, and structure. Initially, the challenges created by the digitalization and globalization of the world economy will be presented. Moving on to historical aspects of the BEPS project, created in response to such challenges. Action 1 and its proposed 2-pillar solution will then be presented. Pillar 1 will be treated more panoramically, while Pillar 2 will receive a more detailed study with the presentation of concepts relevant to its application and presenting through examples the mechanisms of operation of the IIR and UTPR rules.
The present work seeks to analyze Action 1 of the BEPS project, its historical context, its characteristics, objectives, and structure. Initially, the challenges created by the digitalization and globalization of the world economy will be presented. Moving on to historical aspects of the BEPS project, created in response to such challenges. Action 1 and its proposed 2-pillar solution will then be presented. Pillar 1 will be treated more panoramically, while Pillar 2 will receive a more detailed study with the presentation of concepts relevant to its application and presenting through examples the mechanisms of operation of the IIR and UTPR rules.
OCDE , BEPS , pilar 2 , direito internacional , pillar 2 , international law