Principais alterações com o advento da lei 14.112/2020, com foco na prorrogação do stay period e nas novidades da assembleia geral de credores
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Carnicelli, Leonardo Miranda
Maluf, Fernando Del Picchia
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Membros da banca
O foco do trabalho é aproximar as principais mudanças da reforma da Lei de Recuperação e
Falências – LRF (Lei 14.112/20), especialmente no que diz respeito à prorrogação do stay
period e as alterações propostas em relação à Assembleia Geral de Credores, em comparação
com o texto da lei original. A reforma, essencialmente, confirmou grande parte da legislação
vigente há muitos anos, além de trazer uma série de inovações relevantes, juntamente com o
avanço da tecnologia e a necessidade de adequação dos procedimentos, atendendo as
obrigações do Administrador Judicial com informações e partes do processo, além da
possibilidade de realizar uma assembleia geral virtual de credores, bem como a introdução de
disposições que regulam a insolvência transfronteiriça. Quanto à Assembleia Geral de
Credores, parece ter havido mudanças significativas, principalmente no que diz respeito à
possibilidade de substituição da assembleia por disposições vinculantes (termos de adesão),
além de inovações na forma de organizar as deliberações, especialmente a alternativa de
implementá-las virtualmente, o que economiza tempo e dinheiro, fatores importantes para a
recuperação de qualquer empresa na crise econômico-financeira. Em relação ao prazo para
encerramento da Assembleia, embora alguns autores defendam que a “sanção” para quem
não cumprir o prazo é convocar uma nova reunião, o mais razoável é observar a resposta dos
tribunais quando os prazos não são respeitados, para ser possível tirar conclusões.
The focus of the paper is to approach the main changes in the reform of the Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law - LRF (Law 14.112/20), especially with regard to the extension of the stay period and the changes proposed in relation to the General Meeting of Creditors, as compared to the text of the original law. The reform essentially confirmed much of the legislation in force for many years, in addition to bringing a number of relevant innovations, along with the advancement of technology and the need for adequacy of procedures, meeting the obligations of the Trustee with information and parts of the process, in addition to the possibility of holding a virtual general meeting of creditors, as well as the introduction of provisions regulating cross-border insolvency. As for the General Meeting of Creditors, there seem to have been significant changes, especially regarding the possibility of replacing the meeting with binding provisions (adhesion therms), in addition to innovations in the way of organizing the deliberations, especially the alternative of implementing them virtually, which saves time and money, important factors for the recovery of any company in economicfinancial crisis. Regarding the deadline for closing the meeting, although some authors argue that the "sanction" for those who do not meet the deadline is to call a new meeting, the most reasonable is to observe the response of the courts when deadlines are not respected, in order to draw conclusions.
The focus of the paper is to approach the main changes in the reform of the Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law - LRF (Law 14.112/20), especially with regard to the extension of the stay period and the changes proposed in relation to the General Meeting of Creditors, as compared to the text of the original law. The reform essentially confirmed much of the legislation in force for many years, in addition to bringing a number of relevant innovations, along with the advancement of technology and the need for adequacy of procedures, meeting the obligations of the Trustee with information and parts of the process, in addition to the possibility of holding a virtual general meeting of creditors, as well as the introduction of provisions regulating cross-border insolvency. As for the General Meeting of Creditors, there seem to have been significant changes, especially regarding the possibility of replacing the meeting with binding provisions (adhesion therms), in addition to innovations in the way of organizing the deliberations, especially the alternative of implementing them virtually, which saves time and money, important factors for the recovery of any company in economicfinancial crisis. Regarding the deadline for closing the meeting, although some authors argue that the "sanction" for those who do not meet the deadline is to call a new meeting, the most reasonable is to observe the response of the courts when deadlines are not respected, in order to draw conclusions.
direito comercial , lei de recuperação e falências , stay period , assembleia geral de credores , commercial law , reorganization and bankruptcy law , general creditors meeting