Violência doméstica contra a mulher e a relação com o feminicídio durante a pandemia do Covid-19
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Silva, Júlia Araújo e
Knippel, Edson Luz
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso visa colocar em perspectiva como se deu
a incidência da violência domestica e a relação com o feminicídio durante o período
de isolamento da pandemia do COVID-19, bem como evidenciar os programas que
ajudaram a denunciar as ocorrências de violência doméstica e evitar que os autores
retornem a pratica-lá. Para tanto, o trabalho se inicia com uma abordagem histórica
que levou a criação da Lei Maria da Penha até o que justificou o legislador a
positivar um novo tipo penal no ordenamento jurídico, analisando também os
impactos causados por esta nova lei. Ademais, são apresentados os dados relativos
a taxa de feminicídio em 2020, assim como é feita uma comparação com os dados
de 2021, para se que saiba dos impactos do isolamento social devido a pandemia do
COVID-19. Por fim, o trabalho apresenta alguns projetos que ajudaram as vítimas a
denunciar os atos de violência doméstica durante o isolamento e destaca projetos
que evitaram que os autores retornem a praticar este crime, ambos objetivando a
prevenção do feminicídio.
The current final term paper aims to put in perspective the incidence of the domestic violence and the relation with femicide during the time of social isolation because of COVID-19 pandemic, likewise to put in evidence the programs that helped to denounce the domestic violence occurrences and avoid that the authors do that act again. To do so, the work begins with a historical approach that lead to the creation of Maria da Penha Law up to what justified the legislator to positivize a new criminal type in the legal system, also analyzing the impacts caused by that new law. Furthermore, the data about the femicide rate in 2020 is shown, likewise there’s a comparison between the data collected in 2021, to be aware of the impacts of the social isolation because of COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the work presents some of the projects that helped the victims to denounce the domestic violence acts during the isolation period and highlight the projects that helped the authors to not return to practice such a crime, both trying to prevent the femicide.
The current final term paper aims to put in perspective the incidence of the domestic violence and the relation with femicide during the time of social isolation because of COVID-19 pandemic, likewise to put in evidence the programs that helped to denounce the domestic violence occurrences and avoid that the authors do that act again. To do so, the work begins with a historical approach that lead to the creation of Maria da Penha Law up to what justified the legislator to positivize a new criminal type in the legal system, also analyzing the impacts caused by that new law. Furthermore, the data about the femicide rate in 2020 is shown, likewise there’s a comparison between the data collected in 2021, to be aware of the impacts of the social isolation because of COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the work presents some of the projects that helped the victims to denounce the domestic violence acts during the isolation period and highlight the projects that helped the authors to not return to practice such a crime, both trying to prevent the femicide.
violência doméstica , feminicídio , pandemia , Covid-19 , domestic violence , feminicide , pandemic , social isolation