O estado de coisas inconstitucional e as violações generalizadas, contínuas e sistemáticas de direitos fundamentais sofridas pelos presos no sistema penitenciário brasileiro
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Ferraz, José Paulo do Amaral
Silva, Ivan Luis Marques da
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O presente estudo busca entender o que é e de onde surgiu um estado de coisas inconstitucional, como este precedente foi usado no Brasil e como o Supremo Tribunal Federal reconheceu o estado de coisas inconstitucional do sistema penitenciário do país, através do julgamento da Medida Cautelar na Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental de número 347. Quais foram as medidas determinadas e quais foram os frutos da decisão proferida. O estudo analisa dados da superpopulação prisional e do encarceramento em massa que ocorre no Brasil, expondo as decretações de prisões preventivas com fundamentações inidôneas e argumentações genéricas. O objetivo deste artigo consiste em problematizar todos estes dados, através de pesquisa jurisprudencial, documental e bibliográfica, mostrando as violações de direitos fundamentais nos presídios e a situação degradante que vivem os presos no Brasil, para que isso possa se tornar um objeto de reflexão para a sociedade.
The study herein aims to understand what a state of unconstitutional things is and where it comes from. The precedent has been used in Brazil and the Federal Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal) has acknowledged the state of unconstitutional things of the country’s penitentiary system through its ruling of the Preventive Measure of the Argument of the Noncompliance of the Fundamental Precept, numbered 347. What were the measures determined and what were the consequences of the proffered decision? This study analyses data of the Brazilian system’s superpopulation and of the mass incarceration that occurs in the country, exposing inappropriate preventive incarceration that lack fundament and have generic arguments. By undergoing case-law, documental, and bibliographic research, while thoroughly analyzing the data, the study aims to find evidence of violations of fundamental rights in prisons and of the degrading way of life of Brazilian prisoners, thereby providing substance for a more comprehensive and effective reflection by society.
The study herein aims to understand what a state of unconstitutional things is and where it comes from. The precedent has been used in Brazil and the Federal Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal) has acknowledged the state of unconstitutional things of the country’s penitentiary system through its ruling of the Preventive Measure of the Argument of the Noncompliance of the Fundamental Precept, numbered 347. What were the measures determined and what were the consequences of the proffered decision? This study analyses data of the Brazilian system’s superpopulation and of the mass incarceration that occurs in the country, exposing inappropriate preventive incarceration that lack fundament and have generic arguments. By undergoing case-law, documental, and bibliographic research, while thoroughly analyzing the data, the study aims to find evidence of violations of fundamental rights in prisons and of the degrading way of life of Brazilian prisoners, thereby providing substance for a more comprehensive and effective reflection by society.
prisões , inconstitucionalidade , encarceramento , processo , prisons , unconstitutional , incarceration , proceeding