Abuso sexual x alienação parental: o difícil diagnóstico e a aplicabilidade do depoimento especial
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Berti, Jadi Cristina
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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O presente artigo visa levantar as diferentes perspectivas quanto à aplicação do
Depoimento Especial em casos de Alienação Parental, em detrimento das peculiaridades que
tal forma de violação implicam às suas vítimas, bem como deliberar acerca da efetividade de
tal método de escuta em relação à doutrina da proteção integral dos direitos da criança e dos
adolescente nestes casos. Será analisado o cenário das falsas denúncias de abuso sexual
intrafamiliar como forma de alienação parental, ante a enorme dificuldade dos profissionais
envolvidos identificarem ambas as formas de violência ao público infanto-juvenil. A pesquisa,
de natureza qualitativa e método hipotético-dedutivo, tem o intuito de viabilizar um ambiente
pacificado de Justiça para se proceder com tal problemática.
This article aims to raise the different perspectives regarding the application of the Special Testimony in cases of Parental Alienation, to the detriment of the peculiarities that such a form of violation implies to its victims, as well as to deliberate on the effectiveness of such a method of listening in relation to the doctrine of integral protection of the rights of children and teenagers in these cases. The scenario of false reports of intrafamily sexual abuse as a form of parental alienation will be analyzed, given the enormous difficulty of the professionals involved in identifying both forms of violence to the children and youth public. The research, of a qualitative nature and hypothetical-deductive method, aims to enable a pacified environment of Justice to proceed with this problem.
This article aims to raise the different perspectives regarding the application of the Special Testimony in cases of Parental Alienation, to the detriment of the peculiarities that such a form of violation implies to its victims, as well as to deliberate on the effectiveness of such a method of listening in relation to the doctrine of integral protection of the rights of children and teenagers in these cases. The scenario of false reports of intrafamily sexual abuse as a form of parental alienation will be analyzed, given the enormous difficulty of the professionals involved in identifying both forms of violence to the children and youth public. The research, of a qualitative nature and hypothetical-deductive method, aims to enable a pacified environment of Justice to proceed with this problem.
abuso sexual intrafamiliar , alienação parental , depoimento especial , revitimização , interfamily sexual abuse , parental alienation , special testimonial , revictimization