Fatores de contaminação da prova testemunhal no processo penal: um estudo das falsas memórias
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Sachs, Helena Furlan
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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O presente trabalho vai tratar da sugestionabilidade e falibilidade da prova
testemunhal, em decorrência dos fatores de contaminação involuntários e voluntários aptos a
interferir no processamento da memória humana criando muitas vezes as falsas memórias, que
podem levar a uma condenação injusta no âmbito penal. Como solução para evitar a
interferência de terceiros na visão dos fatos pela testemunha, é necessário adaptar a entrevista
tradicional (standard) de colheita de provas orais para a entrevista cognitiva (EC), originada a
partir de noções gerais da psicologia do testemunho.
This article is going to treat about the suggestibility and fallibility of testimonial evidence due to involuntary and voluntary contamination factors able to interfere in the processing of human memory often creating false memories which can lead to an unfair conviction in the criminal context. As a solution to avoid the interference of third parties in the witness’s view of the facts, is it necessary to adapt the traditional interview of oral evidence collection to the cognitive interview originated from general notions of the psychology of testimony.
This article is going to treat about the suggestibility and fallibility of testimonial evidence due to involuntary and voluntary contamination factors able to interfere in the processing of human memory often creating false memories which can lead to an unfair conviction in the criminal context. As a solution to avoid the interference of third parties in the witness’s view of the facts, is it necessary to adapt the traditional interview of oral evidence collection to the cognitive interview originated from general notions of the psychology of testimony.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
prova testemunhal , memória humana , fatores de contaminação , falsas memórias , testimonial evidence , human memory , contamination factors , false memories