Reabandono de crianças na adoção internacional: responsabilização civil pela desistência após o período de convivência
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Gentil, Helena da Cunha Mattos
Monaco, Gustavo Ferraz de Campos
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O presente artigo tem como objeto de estudo o reabandono de crianças e adolescentes que, após terem sido devidamente adotados, têm a adoção revogada, após o trânsito em julgado da sentença que deferiu a adoção. De maneira específica fora analisado o contexto histórico da adoção no Brasil e no mundo e como a história influencia nos preconceitos enfrentados pelas crianças adotadas e como este contexto está relacionado com o reabandono de crianças que, após terem sido inseridas em famílias, têm a adoção revogada por pedido dos pais adotivos. Com isso, foram analisadas as consequências psicológicas causadas na criança e no adolescente que passam por esta situação e como os pais adotantes devem ser responsabilizados civilmente por causarem tais danos ao realizar o reabandono.
This article has as main theme the study of children and adolescent re-abandonment after the adoption and the adoption revocation, after the sentence that allowed the adoption. In a specific way, the historical context of adoption in Brazil and in the world was analyzed and how history influences the prejudices faced by adopted children and how this context is related to the re-abandonment of children who, after being placed in families, have their adoption revoked, at the request of the adoptive parents. Therefore, the psychological consequences caused in the child and adolescent who go through this situation and how the adopting parents should be held civilly responsible for causing such damages when carrying out the re-abandonment were analyzed.
This article has as main theme the study of children and adolescent re-abandonment after the adoption and the adoption revocation, after the sentence that allowed the adoption. In a specific way, the historical context of adoption in Brazil and in the world was analyzed and how history influences the prejudices faced by adopted children and how this context is related to the re-abandonment of children who, after being placed in families, have their adoption revoked, at the request of the adoptive parents. Therefore, the psychological consequences caused in the child and adolescent who go through this situation and how the adopting parents should be held civilly responsible for causing such damages when carrying out the re-abandonment were analyzed.
reabandono , revogação , adoção , Brasil , re-abandonment , revocation , adoption , Brazil