O direito da moeda virtual: a evolução do sistema monetário, o surgimento das criptomoedas e seus aspectos jurídicos
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Testa, Gustavo Bargieri
Neiva, Maria Rita Braga de Siqueira
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Membros da banca
Neste trabalho, partindo de uma análise bibliográfica, busca-se percorrer pela história da figura do dinheiro para investigar a evolução de seu uso como meio de troca econômica, verificando suas características e a importância da fidúcia nas relações de trocas econômicas intersubjetivas, no âmbito do sistema centralizado e descentralizado. Na sequência, explica-se o surgimento das criptomoedas, analisando o caso da Bitcoin, criada no ano de 2008, de maneira que, logo após, passou-se a pela análise do funcionamento e as principais características do Blockchain, que viabilizou a formação de uma rede tecnológica de registro, onde se estabeleceu um ecossistema para que operações com criptomoedas fossem realizadas sem a participação de um órgão central, nem intermediários, para, identificar, assim, as vantagens e desvantagens entre os sistemas centralizado e descentralizado de troca econômicas. Por fim, verifica-se, a partir da análise de atos normativos em vigor no ordenamento jurídica brasileiro, bem como de projetos de lei em tramite no Congresso Nacional, que a criptomoeda será tratada como um instrumento de pagamento e não como moeda.
Initially, this paper aims to seek the history of money by a bibliographical methodology analysis to investigate the evolution of its use as a means of economic trade, verifying its characteristics and the importance of trust through intersubjective economic trade relations; in the scope of the centralized and decentralized system. Further, it explains the advent of cryptocurrencies by the analysis of Bitcoin, which was created in 2008. Additionally, it performs an analysis of the operation and main characteristics of Blockchain, which led to the formation of a technological network of record, where an ecosystem was established in which cryptocurrencies transactions could occur without the participation of a central government body, or intermediaries, to identify the advantages and disadvantages between the centralized and decentralized systems of economic exchange. Finally, it is verified, from the analysis of normative acts in force in the Brazilian legal system, as well as from bills in Congress, that cryptocurrency will be treated as an instrument of payment and not as currency.
Initially, this paper aims to seek the history of money by a bibliographical methodology analysis to investigate the evolution of its use as a means of economic trade, verifying its characteristics and the importance of trust through intersubjective economic trade relations; in the scope of the centralized and decentralized system. Further, it explains the advent of cryptocurrencies by the analysis of Bitcoin, which was created in 2008. Additionally, it performs an analysis of the operation and main characteristics of Blockchain, which led to the formation of a technological network of record, where an ecosystem was established in which cryptocurrencies transactions could occur without the participation of a central government body, or intermediaries, to identify the advantages and disadvantages between the centralized and decentralized systems of economic exchange. Finally, it is verified, from the analysis of normative acts in force in the Brazilian legal system, as well as from bills in Congress, that cryptocurrency will be treated as an instrument of payment and not as currency.
criptomoeda , fidúcia , sistema de trocas econômicas , descentralizado , cryptocurrency , trust , economic trade systems , decentralized