Abandono afetivo paterno-filial e a possibilidade de indenização
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Gonçalves, Giovanna Ng Magalhães
Alvim, Márcia Cristina de Souza
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a possível indenização pecuniária no direito de
família em face do abandono afetivo, o qual diz respeito à omissão no dever de cuidado. Para tanto se
faz necessário elucidar os princípios que norteiam este tema, pois estes que estruturam o novo conceito
da família moderna, comtemplando o poder familiar; também necessário analisar o próprio instituto da
reparação civil, a fim de considerar a sua aplicabilidade no direito de família, para entender o dever legal
de cuidado dos genitores, ou um deles, perante sua prole, que sendo negligentes, podem ocasionar danos
para o infante. Nesse sentindo, insere-se jurisprudências ao trabalho com o intuito de demonstrar o
cabimento do dano moral nestes casos.
This article aims to analyze the possible pecuniary compensation in family law in the face of affective abandonment, which concerns the omission in the duty of care. Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the principles that guide this theme, as they structure the new concept of the modern family, contemplating family power; It is also necessary to analyze the civil reparation institute itself, in order to consider its applicability in family law, to understand the legal duty of care of the parents, or one of them, before their offspring, who, being negligent, can cause damage to the infant. . In this sense, jurisprudence is inserted into the work to demonstrate the appropriateness of moral damage in these cases.
This article aims to analyze the possible pecuniary compensation in family law in the face of affective abandonment, which concerns the omission in the duty of care. Therefore, it is necessary to elucidate the principles that guide this theme, as they structure the new concept of the modern family, contemplating family power; It is also necessary to analyze the civil reparation institute itself, in order to consider its applicability in family law, to understand the legal duty of care of the parents, or one of them, before their offspring, who, being negligent, can cause damage to the infant. . In this sense, jurisprudence is inserted into the work to demonstrate the appropriateness of moral damage in these cases.
afetividade , omissão , responsabilidade cível , poder familiar , affectivity , omission , civil responsibility , family power