O direito à inovação nas técnicas de reprodução assistida frente as objeções bioéticas
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Assalis, Gabriella Machado
Rocha, Renata da
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O presente trabalho busca mostrar de que forma as invenções voltadas às técnicas da Reprodução Assistida, tema ausente de lei aprovada pelo Congresso Nacional, possuem diversas objeções bioéticas. Esclarece-se que o objetivo do trabalho não é questionar a possibilidade de proteção de técnicas biotecnológicas, e sim, o objeto dessas invenções que ao serem colocadas em prática no mercado estão permeadas de infrações que contrariam direitos fundamentais do ser humano. O projeto apresentará exemplos de ferramentas patenteadas que encontram objeções bioéticas, como (i) a eugenia; (ii) a corrupção moral do nascimento, tendo em vista a possibilidade de tornar a forma da vida em ativo financeiro ao passo que também é tratada como forma de consumo; e (iii) a distribuição injusta de materiais e clínicas de Reprodução Assistida, o que leva a severa infração do direito à igualdade para o planejamento familiar.
The present work seeks to show how the inventions related to Assisted Reproduction techniques, a theme absent a law approved by the National Congress, have several bioethical objections. It is clear that the objective of the work is not to question the possibility of protecting biotechnological techniques, but rather the object of these inventions which, when put into practice in the market, are permeated with violations that go against the fundamental rights of the human being. The project will present examples of patented tools that encounter bioethical objections, such as (i) eugenics; (ii) the moral corruption of birth, in view of the possibility of turning the form of life into a financial asset while it is also treated as a form of consumption; and (iii) the unfair distribution of Assisted Reproduction materials and clinics, which leads to severe infraction of the right to equality for family planning.
The present work seeks to show how the inventions related to Assisted Reproduction techniques, a theme absent a law approved by the National Congress, have several bioethical objections. It is clear that the objective of the work is not to question the possibility of protecting biotechnological techniques, but rather the object of these inventions which, when put into practice in the market, are permeated with violations that go against the fundamental rights of the human being. The project will present examples of patented tools that encounter bioethical objections, such as (i) eugenics; (ii) the moral corruption of birth, in view of the possibility of turning the form of life into a financial asset while it is also treated as a form of consumption; and (iii) the unfair distribution of Assisted Reproduction materials and clinics, which leads to severe infraction of the right to equality for family planning.
reprodução artificial , objeções éticas e direitos humanos , artificial reproduction , ethical objections and human rights