Direito à saúde: um estudo exploratório sobre o direito à saúde dos refugiados no panorama da atual
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Leite, Francisco de Souza
Mahlke, Helisane
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Ao observar as mudanças sociopolíticas que vem ocorrendo desde o século XX, é importante que haja um olhar mais analítico em relação ao direito de saúde dos refugiados, uma vez que os mesmos já se encontram em um estado precário em que são historicamente tratados com menos importância do que a população nativa do Brasil. Este estudo também abordará os aspectos positivos do acolhimento desta população para o Brasil, que tem a chance de fazer a diferença; caso assuma este compromisso de acolher e respeitar o direito à saúde destes refugiados poderá pressionar positivamente países desenvolvidos que não estão cumprindo seu papel no enfrentamento deste problema. O tipo de pesquisa utilizada no presente artigo foi descritiva e exploratória e tem como objetivo analisar as violações ao direito à saúde que os imigrantes no Brasil estão sofrendo. Neste sentido, a metodologia envolve estudos exploratórios no âmbito do direito, partindo de uma revisão bibliográfica composta pelos principais autores e juristas da área e construindo hipóteses. Além disso os procedimentos de coleta dos dados, foram realizados através da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, as quais foram transformadas em monográficas, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, com o intuito de relacionar os dados para sua interpretação de uma forma mais clara e transparente.
When observing the sociopolitical changes that have been taking place since the 20th century, it is important to have a more analytical look at the refugee's right to health, since they are already in a precarious state in which they are historically treated with less importance than the native population of Brazil. This study will also address the positive aspects of welcoming this population to Brazil, which has the chance to make a difference and if it assumes this commitment to welcome and respect the right to health of these refugees, it will be able to put positive pressure on developed countries that are not fulfilling their role in the facing this problem. The type of research used in this article was descriptive and exploratory and aims to analyze the violations of the right to health that immigrants in Brazil are suffering. In this sense, to build hypotheses, the methodology involves exploratory studies, within the scope of law, starting from a bibliographic review composed by the main authors and jurists in the area. In addition, the data collection procedures were carried out through bibliographic and documentary research, which were transformed into monographs, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, in order to relate the data for their interpretation in a clearer and more transparent way.
When observing the sociopolitical changes that have been taking place since the 20th century, it is important to have a more analytical look at the refugee's right to health, since they are already in a precarious state in which they are historically treated with less importance than the native population of Brazil. This study will also address the positive aspects of welcoming this population to Brazil, which has the chance to make a difference and if it assumes this commitment to welcome and respect the right to health of these refugees, it will be able to put positive pressure on developed countries that are not fulfilling their role in the facing this problem. The type of research used in this article was descriptive and exploratory and aims to analyze the violations of the right to health that immigrants in Brazil are suffering. In this sense, to build hypotheses, the methodology involves exploratory studies, within the scope of law, starting from a bibliographic review composed by the main authors and jurists in the area. In addition, the data collection procedures were carried out through bibliographic and documentary research, which were transformed into monographs, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, in order to relate the data for their interpretation in a clearer and more transparent way.
direito à saúde , direito internacional , refúgio , refugiados , right to health , international law , refuge , refugees