Efeitos da exclusão da relação genética do suposto pai prestador de alimentos gravídicos
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Moraes, Beatriz Baptistella de
Saad, Martha Solange Scherer
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Membros da banca
Este artigo tem a finalidade de abordar a sexting: sua prática e consequências no
âmbito da pornografia infantil na internet e nos limites dos dispositivos legais. Com uma
abordagem que vai desde os direitos humanos e a dignidade humana, seguindo assim a
legalidade atual do ECA seguindo as leis e projetos para a prioridade de proteger as crianças e
adolescentes. Os dispositivos legais que na atualidade existem ainda são insuficientes para a
demanda dos crimes cibernéticos e as parcerias entre famílias, órgãos públicos de segurança e
uma sensibilização de prevenção, supervisão e amparo legal devem estar em sintonia com esse
crescimento dos crimes contra a criança e adolescentes.Com uma metodologia de pesquisa
bibliográficas com renomados autores e a legislação vigente as discussões deste artigo seguem
de forma para divulgação a um público alvo que são os familiares e toda a sociedade para o
consenso e parcerias contra a pornografia infantil na internet.
This article aims to address sexting: its practice and consequences in the context of child pornography on the internet and within the limits of legal provisions. With an approach that ranges from human rights and human dignity, thus following the current legality of the ECA following the laws and projects for the priority of protecting children and adolescents. The legal provisions that currently exist are still insufficient for the demand of cyber crimes and partnerships between families, public security agencies and an awareness of prevention, supervision and legal support must be in line with this growth in crimes against children and adolescents. With a bibliographic research methodology with renowned authors and the current legislation, the discussions of this article follow in a way to disseminate to a target audience that are family members and the whole society for consensus and partnerships against child pornography on the internet.
This article aims to address sexting: its practice and consequences in the context of child pornography on the internet and within the limits of legal provisions. With an approach that ranges from human rights and human dignity, thus following the current legality of the ECA following the laws and projects for the priority of protecting children and adolescents. The legal provisions that currently exist are still insufficient for the demand of cyber crimes and partnerships between families, public security agencies and an awareness of prevention, supervision and legal support must be in line with this growth in crimes against children and adolescents. With a bibliographic research methodology with renowned authors and the current legislation, the discussions of this article follow in a way to disseminate to a target audience that are family members and the whole society for consensus and partnerships against child pornography on the internet.
sexting , pornografia infantil , ECA , child pornography