O tratamento de dados tributários em face da vigência da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD)
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Lima, Emerson Alves
Sabbag, Eduardo de Moraes
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Membros da banca
A presente monografia analisa os reflexos produzidos pela Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) no Direito Tributário, a partir da premissa de que a Administração Tributária, valendo-se de seu poder informacional oriundo dos deveres instrumentais, tem utilizado cada vez mais de procedimentos de tratamento de dados em prol do exercício da fiscalização e da arrecadação dos tributos. Desse modo, utilizando-se do método de pesquisa descritivo, o estudo tenciona analisar, no primeiro momento, o papel da Constituição Federal na proteção dos dados dos contribuintes. Nesse diapasão, trata sobre as implicações promovidas pela legislação tributária no tratamento de dados. Do mesmo modo, segue com esclarecimentos acerca dos principais reflexos principiológicos da LGPD no Direito Tributário. Ademais, discorre acerca do desenvolvimento informacional da Administração Tributária no que tange a prestação de informações. Nesse seguir, o estudo elucida o procedimento de compartilhamento de dados fiscais, realizado com amparo no princípio da cooperação recíproca entre os Fiscos. Por fim, a pesquisa versa sobre eventuais sanções aplicáveis aos agentes de tratamento de dados fiscais quando do descumprimento dos comandos normativos da LGPD. Dessa forma, depreende-se que a LGPD inevitavelmente produzirá repercussão sobre o procedimento de tratamento de dados tributários, considerando que inexiste vedação de aplicação da norma geral à esfera tributária e que parcela destes dados, com exceção daqueles protegidos pelo sigilo fiscal, não possuem qualquer proteção normativa.
The following monograph analyzes the produced effects by the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (BGDPL) on Tax Law, starting from the premise that the Tax Administration, taking advantage of its informational capabilities from instrumental duties, has been increasingly utilizing data treatment procedures in benefit of fiscalization and tax collection. Therefore, utilizing the descriptive research method, the study aims to analyze, in first instance, the Federal Constitution role in the data protection of taxpayers. In the same tone, it deals with implications promoted by the tax legislation of the data treatment. Likewise, it continues to clarify the main effects on the principles of BGDPL in Tax Law. Furthermore, it touches on the information development of the Tax Law about the information it discloses. On the same line, the study shines light on the procedure of disclosing tax data, done in support by the principle of mutual cooperation between public revenues. For the most part, the research includes eventual sanctions applicable on the data treatment agents in failure to comply with the norms of BGDPL. In the same vein, it appears that the BGDPL will inevitably echo on the tax data treatment procedures, considering there is no prohibition of application of the general norm to the tax sphere and that part of this data, in exception to those protected by tax secrecy, present no protection by law.
The following monograph analyzes the produced effects by the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (BGDPL) on Tax Law, starting from the premise that the Tax Administration, taking advantage of its informational capabilities from instrumental duties, has been increasingly utilizing data treatment procedures in benefit of fiscalization and tax collection. Therefore, utilizing the descriptive research method, the study aims to analyze, in first instance, the Federal Constitution role in the data protection of taxpayers. In the same tone, it deals with implications promoted by the tax legislation of the data treatment. Likewise, it continues to clarify the main effects on the principles of BGDPL in Tax Law. Furthermore, it touches on the information development of the Tax Law about the information it discloses. On the same line, the study shines light on the procedure of disclosing tax data, done in support by the principle of mutual cooperation between public revenues. For the most part, the research includes eventual sanctions applicable on the data treatment agents in failure to comply with the norms of BGDPL. In the same vein, it appears that the BGDPL will inevitably echo on the tax data treatment procedures, considering there is no prohibition of application of the general norm to the tax sphere and that part of this data, in exception to those protected by tax secrecy, present no protection by law.
direito tributário e a lei geral de proteção de dados pessoais , dados tributários , tratamento de informações fiscais , tax law and brazilian general data protection law , tax data , tax data treatment