Skateboard: o direito constitucional de ocupação dos espaços públicos
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Silva, Eduardo André Carlos da
Soares, Alessandro de Oliveira
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Este artigo tem por objetivo abordar, reflexivamente, a temática do skate na sociedade contemporânea. Essa abordagem evidencia o modo em que, historicamente, a sociedade lida com a inserção dos skatistas nos espaços públicos na cidade de São Paulo. O texto está dividido em quatro partes, a saber: na 1ª, apresentamos uma breve introdução do tema e contextualizamos o skate historicamente; na 2ª parte, discorremos sobre a difusão do skateboard no Brasil, desde o início na década de 60, perpassando pelos anos 70, 80 e 90, alcançando os tempos atuais, demonstrando como essa cultura esportiva foi se forjando ao longo do tempo; na parte 3ª, abordamos alguns aspectos importantes para compreender a ideia do esporte como direito constitucional, e a legalidade dessa declaração; na 4ª parte, discorremos sobre o direito dos indivíduos à utilização do espaço público por pessoas que pertencem a essa categoria social. E, por fim, nas considerações finais, reafirmamos que a visão do Direito brasileiro perante o esporte e as garantias legais, estão postas, porém, frequentemente skatistas impedidos de praticar o esporte pelo histórico de injúria que socialmente são condicionados. Tal questão se une à problemática da ocupação de espaço público por essa categoria social. Para a escrita deste trabalho, utilizamos como metodologia o estudo bibliográfico, realizado por meio de leitura e análise de artigos acadêmicos e publicações impressas, e, revisitamos a legislação constitucional e decretos municipais para que nos dessem aporte e sustentação ao articularmos a ideia de que prática do skate nos espaços públicos é um direito do cidadão, e isso está expresso nos textos legais.
This article aims the objective to a reflexively approach related to the effect of the skateboarding thematic in the contemporary society. This approach highlights, the way the society historically conducted the deals with the insertion of the skaters in the City of São Paulo public spaces. The article is divided in four parts, as follow: the first exposes a brief introduction to the theme and contextualize skateboarding historically; the 2nd part, we discuss the diffusion of skateboarding in Brazil, from the beginning in the 60's, passing through the 70's,80's and 90's reaching the present, demonstrating how this sports culture was constituted over the time; in the 3rd, we address some important aspects to understand the idea of sport as a fundamental right, and the legality of this declaration; in the 4th part, we argue the right of individuals to relish public space. And finally, the final considerations, where we reaffirm that the view of Brazilian Law towards the sport and the legal guarantees are putted up, however, skaters are commonly prevented from practicing the sport due to the track record of insults that are socially conditioned. This issue is connected to the public space occupation problem by this social category. To write this work, we employ the bibliographic study as a methodology, conducted through the reading and analysis of academic articles and printed publications, and we revisited the constitutional legislation and municipal decrees so that they could provide us contribution and support when articulating the idea that practicing Skateboarding in public spaces is a citizen's right, and this is expressed in the legal texts.
This article aims the objective to a reflexively approach related to the effect of the skateboarding thematic in the contemporary society. This approach highlights, the way the society historically conducted the deals with the insertion of the skaters in the City of São Paulo public spaces. The article is divided in four parts, as follow: the first exposes a brief introduction to the theme and contextualize skateboarding historically; the 2nd part, we discuss the diffusion of skateboarding in Brazil, from the beginning in the 60's, passing through the 70's,80's and 90's reaching the present, demonstrating how this sports culture was constituted over the time; in the 3rd, we address some important aspects to understand the idea of sport as a fundamental right, and the legality of this declaration; in the 4th part, we argue the right of individuals to relish public space. And finally, the final considerations, where we reaffirm that the view of Brazilian Law towards the sport and the legal guarantees are putted up, however, skaters are commonly prevented from practicing the sport due to the track record of insults that are socially conditioned. This issue is connected to the public space occupation problem by this social category. To write this work, we employ the bibliographic study as a methodology, conducted through the reading and analysis of academic articles and printed publications, and we revisited the constitutional legislation and municipal decrees so that they could provide us contribution and support when articulating the idea that practicing Skateboarding in public spaces is a citizen's right, and this is expressed in the legal texts.
skate , skateboard , esporte , espaço urbano , sport , urban space , constitutional right