Princípio da humanidade na execução penal brasileira
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Loiacono, Daniel Albert
Silva, Ivan Luis Marques da
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso visa demonstrar as nuances da execução penal
ligada ao princípio da humanidade e como suas falhas implicam diretamente na vida da
sociedade. Para isso, foram abordados temas como a evolução histórica da prisão, para que
servem os presídios, quais os princípios que norteiam o sistema carcerário e como as facções
criminosas surgem. Outro ponto de grande valia que também se abordou nesta pesquisa é a
segurança pública e sua valia dentro de uma sociedade, como as pessoas ainda sentem
insegurança mesmo com os números de prisões aumentando todos os dias. Em consonância
com este último assunto, tratou-se da crise da segurança pública e como tal ação tem ligação
direta com o sistema carcerário. O objetivo principal do trabalho envolve proporcionar maior
conhecimento ao leitor sobre o as falhas que acometem o sistema carcerário brasileiro,
especificadamente utilizando os princípios norteadores da dignidade humana e as principais
leis do país. Como objetivos secundários demonstrou-se as ramificações da do problema de
segurança pública, como por exemplo, as facções criminosas e seus métodos. Conclui-se a
necessidade de melhoria no sistema carcerário e assim, diminuir o risco de maior sensação de
insegurança da população.
This course conclusion work aims to demonstrate the nuances of criminal execution linked to the principle of humanity and how its failures directly imply the life of society. For this, topics such as the historical evolution of the prison, what the prisons are for, what are the principles that guide the prison system and how criminal factions arise were addressed. Another point of great value that was also addressed in this research is public safety and its value within a society, as people still feel insecure even with the numbers of arrests increasing every day. In line with this last issue, it was about the public security crisis and how such action has a direct connection with the prison system. The main objective of the work involves providing the reader with greater knowledge about the flaws that affect the Brazilian prison system, specifically using the guiding principles of human dignity and the main laws of the country. As secondary objectives, the ramifications of the public security problem were demonstrated, such as criminal factions and their methods. It is concluded the need to improve the prison system and thus reduce the risk of a greater feeling of insecurity in the population.
This course conclusion work aims to demonstrate the nuances of criminal execution linked to the principle of humanity and how its failures directly imply the life of society. For this, topics such as the historical evolution of the prison, what the prisons are for, what are the principles that guide the prison system and how criminal factions arise were addressed. Another point of great value that was also addressed in this research is public safety and its value within a society, as people still feel insecure even with the numbers of arrests increasing every day. In line with this last issue, it was about the public security crisis and how such action has a direct connection with the prison system. The main objective of the work involves providing the reader with greater knowledge about the flaws that affect the Brazilian prison system, specifically using the guiding principles of human dignity and the main laws of the country. As secondary objectives, the ramifications of the public security problem were demonstrated, such as criminal factions and their methods. It is concluded the need to improve the prison system and thus reduce the risk of a greater feeling of insecurity in the population.
execução penal , princípio da humanidade , segurança pública , presídios , penal execution , principle of humanity , public security , prisons