Análise mercadológica sob a perceptiva ecofriendly ecobichos e o universo pet
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Citações (Scopus)
Sohn, Andre
Damasceno, Andrei Dollinger
Prux, Joana de Oliveira Pessoa
Lustosa, Luka Amparo Dos Santos
Damasceno, Andrei Dollinger
Prux, Joana de Oliveira Pessoa
Lustosa, Luka Amparo Dos Santos
Macedo, Roberto Gondo
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O projeto tem por finalidade apresentar uma campanha experimental partindo do princípio de analisar e desenvolver ações, para que a Ecobichos possa se situar melhor no mercado. A marca tem a estratégia de se posicionar adequadamente ao seu público alvo, inovar suas ferramentas de comunicação e se estabelecer como uma marca sustentável e preocupada com o bem--estar animal e do meio ambiente. Pensando nisso, usamos metodologias de diagnóstico e pesquisa de mercado para constatar a hipótese e identificar a percepção da marca na vida de seus consumidores. A partir dessas etapas, construímos um plano de comunicação focado nas fraquezas apresentadas pela empresa. Como os produtos são desconhecidos pelo público alvo, optamos por um objetivo de comunicação para criar mais visibilidade na hora da compra. Visando posicionar a Ecobichos como uma marca com um diferencial sustentável, tanto na qualidade como na confiança, o conceito de comunicação buscará relacionar o cuidado da marca com os pets de seus clientes e de ter uma abordagem diferente com o tipo de material usado nos produtos em prol do meio ambiente.
The project aims to present an experimen-tal campaign based on the principle of analyzing and developing actions so that Eco bichos can bet-ter position itself in the market. The brand has the strategy of positioning itself properly to its target audience, innovating its communication tools and establishing itself as a sustainable brand concer-ned with animal welfare and the environment. With that in mind, we use diagnostic methodolo-gies and market research to verify the hypothesis and identify the perception of the brand in the li-ves of its consumers. From these steps, we build a communication plan focused on the weaknes-ses presented by the company. As the products are unknown to the target audience, we chose a communication objective to create more visibility at the time of purchase. Aiming to position Eco bi-chos as a brand with a differential and sustainabi-lity, both in terms of quality and trust, the commu-nication concept will seek to relate the care of the brand with the pets of its customers and to have a different approach with the type of material used in the products for the environment.
The project aims to present an experimen-tal campaign based on the principle of analyzing and developing actions so that Eco bichos can bet-ter position itself in the market. The brand has the strategy of positioning itself properly to its target audience, innovating its communication tools and establishing itself as a sustainable brand concer-ned with animal welfare and the environment. With that in mind, we use diagnostic methodolo-gies and market research to verify the hypothesis and identify the perception of the brand in the li-ves of its consumers. From these steps, we build a communication plan focused on the weaknes-ses presented by the company. As the products are unknown to the target audience, we chose a communication objective to create more visibility at the time of purchase. Aiming to position Eco bi-chos as a brand with a differential and sustainabi-lity, both in terms of quality and trust, the commu-nication concept will seek to relate the care of the brand with the pets of its customers and to have a different approach with the type of material used in the products for the environment.
Ecobichos , animal , sustentabilidade , Inovação , Visibilidade , campanha , publicidade , sustainability , innovation , visibility , campaign , advertising