Os efeitos jurídicos da multiparentalidade
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Botaro, Juliana Alves Carneiro
Aguirre, João Ricardo Brandão
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O instituto familiar vem sofrendo alterações ao longo dos anos em razão das novas configurações que tem apresentado. Tais configurações têm como ponto de partida as constantes transformações principiológicas pelas quais a sociedade tem passado, que a conduzem no tempo e no espaço. Essas transformações, principalmente nos últimos anos, têm propiciado o surgimento de novos modelos familiares, em que a afetividade e o cuidado vêm se tornando fundamentais para a constituição e manutenção das relações.
Uma vez que o atual ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não determine precisamente o conceito de família, fica a cargo do aplicador da lei fazer a correta interpretação do que seja tal instituição. Nesse cenário, se sobressai o reconhecimento de uma realidade há muito existente: o da socioafetividade, que uma vez estabelecida, enseja o surgimento da multiparentalidade. Faz-se necessária uma releitura do panorama sociológico da família, suscitando um novo tratamento a ser conferido pelo ordenamento jurídico.
Diante de tal cenário, o presente trabalho objetiva examinar os efeitos jurídicos desse novo modelo de relação, ainda não abordado de forma concisa por um sistema normativo – mas que possui alicerces jurídicos em diferentes princípios constitucionais –, bem como sua ocorrência e abordagem pela doutrina e jurisprudência.
The family institute has undergone changes over the years due to the new configurations it has been presenting. Such configurations have as their starting point the constant principles that society has been through, which lead it in time and space. These transformations, especially in recent years, have propitiated the emergence of new family models, in which affection and care have become fundamental for the constitution and maintenance of relationships. Since the current brazilian legal system does not determine precisely the concept of family, it is up to the law enforcement to make the correct interpretation of what is such an institution. In this context, the recognition of a long-existing reality emerges: that of socio-affection, which once established, lead to the emergence of multiparenthood. It is necessary to re-read the sociological panorama of the family, giving rise to a new treatment to be conferred by the legal system. In view of this scenario, the present work aims to examine the legal effects of this new relationship model, not yet concisely addressed by a normative system – but that has legal foundations in different constitutional principles – as well as its occurrence and approach by doctrine and jurisprudence.
The family institute has undergone changes over the years due to the new configurations it has been presenting. Such configurations have as their starting point the constant principles that society has been through, which lead it in time and space. These transformations, especially in recent years, have propitiated the emergence of new family models, in which affection and care have become fundamental for the constitution and maintenance of relationships. Since the current brazilian legal system does not determine precisely the concept of family, it is up to the law enforcement to make the correct interpretation of what is such an institution. In this context, the recognition of a long-existing reality emerges: that of socio-affection, which once established, lead to the emergence of multiparenthood. It is necessary to re-read the sociological panorama of the family, giving rise to a new treatment to be conferred by the legal system. In view of this scenario, the present work aims to examine the legal effects of this new relationship model, not yet concisely addressed by a normative system – but that has legal foundations in different constitutional principles – as well as its occurrence and approach by doctrine and jurisprudence.
multiparentalidade , filiação socioafetiva , direito de família , efeitos jurídicos , multiparenting , socioaffective affiliation , family law , legal effects