A limitação e proibição do uso de unidade condominial residencial para aluguel por temporada
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Costa, Nicole Dal Pogetto
Cárnio, Thaís Cíntia
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os conflitos judiciais acerca da possibilidade de os condomínios edilícios limitarem ou proibirem o uso das unidades condominiais residenciais, pelos seus respectivos proprietários, para aluguéis por temporada, atividade esta que se tornou comum com o surgimento e popularização das plataformas digitais e aplicativos, criados com o objetivo de facilitar e desburocratizar essa prática. Tal tema ganhou destaque, tendo em vista as diferentes interpretações dos magistrados no julgamento dessas disputas devido à inexistência de regramento legislativo concernente ao aluguel por temporada, especificamente quando realizado por meio de plataformas e aplicativos de mediação. Para essa análise, o projeto trata da propriedade no contexto de sua função e dos direitos que dela decorrem, bem como examina as liberdades do proprietário e seus limites no âmbito legislativo nacional, da mesma maneira, examina a atividade das plataformas digitais e aplicativos de locação (home sharing), abordando sua natureza e seus aspectos sociais e econômicos. Esta monografia examina ainda os principais argumentos utilizados por condomínios e pelos proprietários em suas desavenças judiciais, além de elucidar exemplos de julgados, apresentando diferentes interpretações nos tribunais de primeira e segunda instância.
The present work aims to analyze the legal conflicts about the possibility of condominiums to limit or prohibit the use of residential condominium units, by their respective owners, for seasonal rentals, an activity which has become common with the emergence and popularization of platforms and applications, created with purpose of facilitating and reducing bureaucracy in this practice. This theme gained prominence, in view of the different interpretations of the magistrates in the judgment of these disputes due to the lack of legislative regulation regarding seasonal rent, specifically through mediation platforms and applications, results of sharing economy and technology. For this analysis, this project deals with property, its function and the rights inherent to it, as well as examines the freedoms of the owner and its limits in the context of the national legislation, in the same way, it explores the activity of digital platforms and rental applications of home-sharing, addressing its nature and its social and economic aspects. Furthermore, this monograph examines the main arguments used by the parties in the context of the legal disputes involving the condominiums and the units owners, in addition elucidates examples of judgments, presenting different interpretations in the courts of first and second instances.
The present work aims to analyze the legal conflicts about the possibility of condominiums to limit or prohibit the use of residential condominium units, by their respective owners, for seasonal rentals, an activity which has become common with the emergence and popularization of platforms and applications, created with purpose of facilitating and reducing bureaucracy in this practice. This theme gained prominence, in view of the different interpretations of the magistrates in the judgment of these disputes due to the lack of legislative regulation regarding seasonal rent, specifically through mediation platforms and applications, results of sharing economy and technology. For this analysis, this project deals with property, its function and the rights inherent to it, as well as examines the freedoms of the owner and its limits in the context of the national legislation, in the same way, it explores the activity of digital platforms and rental applications of home-sharing, addressing its nature and its social and economic aspects. Furthermore, this monograph examines the main arguments used by the parties in the context of the legal disputes involving the condominiums and the units owners, in addition elucidates examples of judgments, presenting different interpretations in the courts of first and second instances.
direito de propriedade , condomínios edilícios , aluguel por temporada , property right , condominium , vacation rental