Liberdade de imprensa: fundamentalidade e desafios no brasil contemporâneo
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Abrahao, Mayra
Abrahão, Mayra
Abrahão, Mayra
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
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O presente artigo tem a finalidade de analisar a fundamentalidade e os desafios
enfrentados pela Liberdade de Imprensa no Brasil Contemporâneo, com ênfase ao ano de 2020,
o qual está passando por momentos conturbados em diversos aspectos, quais sejam econômicos,
sociais, e políticos, em razão da pandemia do Covid-19. Para isso, inicialmente, serão abordados
conceitos das Liberdades de Expressão, Informação e Imprensa. Na segunda parte do trabalho,
será tratada a função social da Liberdade de Imprensa e o contexto de sua normatização nacional
e internacional. Por último, será feita uma análise de três desafios enfrentados pela Liberdade
de Imprensa no atual contexto brasileiro, quais sejam: disseminação de notícias falsas, ataques
contra jornalistas e tentativas de censuras praticadas pelo Governo Federal.
This article aims to analyze the fundamentals and challenges faced by Freedom of the Press in Contemporary Brazil, with an emphasis on the year 2020, which is going through troubled times in several aspects, such as economic, social and political, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To this end, the concepts of Freedom of Expression, Information and the Press will initially be addressed. In the second part of the work, the social function of Freedom of the Press and the context of its national and international normatization will be addressed. Finally, an analysis of three challenges faced by Freedom of the Press in the current Brazilian context will be made, namely: dissemination of false news, attacks against journalists and attempts at censorship by the Federal Government.
This article aims to analyze the fundamentals and challenges faced by Freedom of the Press in Contemporary Brazil, with an emphasis on the year 2020, which is going through troubled times in several aspects, such as economic, social and political, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To this end, the concepts of Freedom of Expression, Information and the Press will initially be addressed. In the second part of the work, the social function of Freedom of the Press and the context of its national and international normatization will be addressed. Finally, an analysis of three challenges faced by Freedom of the Press in the current Brazilian context will be made, namely: dissemination of false news, attacks against journalists and attempts at censorship by the Federal Government.
liberdade de imprensa , fake news , press freedom , Covid-19