Orçamento indigenista federal: um olhar sobre o comportamento dos recursos financeiro-orçamentários das políticas públicas direcionadas à garantia e à promoção dos direitos dos povos indígenas no Brasil, à luz das gestões presidenciais do governo federal e da FUNAI (2000-2021)
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Batista, Julia Gabrielle de Lima
Bôas Filho, Orlando Villas
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de responder como se comportaram os recursos financeiro-orçamentários das políticas públicas direcionadas à garantia e à promoção dos direitos dos povos indígenas no Brasil nos últimos 21 anos (ou seja, de 2000 a 2021), ao longo das diferentes gestões da presidência da República e da FUNAI. Foram traçadas duas hipóteses de pesquisa: a primeira, de que o processo de enfraquecimento da autonomia e da capacidade institucional da FUNAI se refletiria nos recursos públicos distribuídos ao órgão, mediante redução sistemática nos aportes financeiros; a segunda, de que os recursos orçamentários destinados aos programas finalísticos seguiriam em crescente até o segundo mandato do governo Lula e decairiam após este período. Concluiu-se, por fim, que a FUNAI de fato passa por um processo de enfraquecimento institucional que se reflete nos seus recursos orçamentários especialmente após o início dos governos Dilma.
This study aimed to answer how the financial-budgetary resources of public policies aimed at guaranteeing and promoting the rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil behaved in the last 21 years (that is, from 2000 to 2021), throughout the different administrations of the Presidency of the Republic and of FUNAI. Two research hypotheses were outlined: the first, that the process of weakening FUNAI's autonomy and institutional capacity would be reflected in the public resources distributed to the body, through a systematic reduction in financial contributions; the second, that the budget resources destined to finalistic programs would continue to increase until the second term of the Lula government and would decline after this period. Finally, it was concluded that FUNAI is in fact going through a process of institutional weakening that is reflected in its budgetary resources, especially after the beginning of the Dilma administrations.
This study aimed to answer how the financial-budgetary resources of public policies aimed at guaranteeing and promoting the rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil behaved in the last 21 years (that is, from 2000 to 2021), throughout the different administrations of the Presidency of the Republic and of FUNAI. Two research hypotheses were outlined: the first, that the process of weakening FUNAI's autonomy and institutional capacity would be reflected in the public resources distributed to the body, through a systematic reduction in financial contributions; the second, that the budget resources destined to finalistic programs would continue to increase until the second term of the Lula government and would decline after this period. Finally, it was concluded that FUNAI is in fact going through a process of institutional weakening that is reflected in its budgetary resources, especially after the beginning of the Dilma administrations.
orçamento público , políticas públicas , povos indígenas , gestões presidenciais , public budget , public policy , indigenous people , presidential administrations