Por trás das grades: a realidade do proibicionismo penal
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Nastri, Mariana Nalesso Cyrineu
Almeida, Jéssica Pascoal Santos
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O presente artigo possui como provocação pensar a atual política de drogas que se
fundamenta em preceitos religiosos e morais. Essa política recai de maneira seletiva na
sociedade, contribuindo com a desigualdade social, bem como para o encarceramento
massivo de jovens, negros e de classe baixa. Diante da falha ao concretizar seus objetivos
declarados, a política de drogas acaba gerando efeitos mais perversos, e cada vez mais se
percebe a necessidade de alteração do modelo atual. A essência do trabalho é abordar os
reflexos da atual Lei de Drogas na sociedade, bem como no plano carcerário, e busca
apontar a melhor solução diante do caos criado pela vigente política de drogas.
This paper concerns the current drug policy, which is based on religious and moral principles. This policy falls in selective ways in society, building up social inequality and massive incarceration of the young, black and less fortunate as well. Faced with the failure to achieve its stated objectives, the drug policy ends up generating more perverse effects and increasingly realizes the need to change the current model. The essence of this paper is to approach the reflections coming from the national drug law, and how they affect society and the prisons, also and pointing out a greater solution to come through the issues regarding the drug policy.
This paper concerns the current drug policy, which is based on religious and moral principles. This policy falls in selective ways in society, building up social inequality and massive incarceration of the young, black and less fortunate as well. Faced with the failure to achieve its stated objectives, the drug policy ends up generating more perverse effects and increasingly realizes the need to change the current model. The essence of this paper is to approach the reflections coming from the national drug law, and how they affect society and the prisons, also and pointing out a greater solution to come through the issues regarding the drug policy.
direito , guerra às drogas , seletivismo penal , law , war against drugs , penal selectivism