Principais aspectos do contrato de trabalho do atleta profissional de futebol à luz das legislações aplicáveis
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Pinheiro, João Pedro Balboni
Zimmermann Neto, Carlos Frederico
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O presente artigo expõe e analisa os principais aspectos do contrato de trabalho desportivo do atleta profissional de futebol. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em estudar, de forma breve, os principais pontos presentes em um contrato de trabalho desportivo, além de apresentar diversas peculiaridades existentes na esfera desportiva. Durante o trabalho, foi utilizada, como método científico, predominantemente, a pesquisa bibliográfica doutrinária, tendo como complemento a pesquisa de notícias e jurisprudência. Verificou-se, pelo estudo, que há diversas normas regulamentando o contrato de trabalho no futebol, como a Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho e a Lei 9.615/98, todavia, por ser um tema que enseja muitas discussões e divergências, além de influenciar milhões de pessoas por todo o Brasil, essas normas não são conhecidas por grande parte dos brasileiros apaixonados por futebol. Diante do presente trabalho, evidencia-se a importância das entidades de prática desportiva em redigir contratos claros e que observem as normas legais, para que não sejam demandadas judicialmente no futuro.
This paper exposes and analyses the main aspects of an employment contract from professional football athletes. The goal of this paper consists on study, briefly, the main topics in an employement sports contract, and also present many curiosities that appear on sports scope. During the study, it was used, as scientific method, mainly, bibliographic survey, together with news and jurisprudence researches. The study verify that there are many legal regulations about employement contracts on football, like the Labor Laws Consolidation and Law #9615, however, football is responsible for many discussions and affects milions of people in Brazil, so these legal regulations are not known by many Brazilian football fans. This paper shows the importance of football clubs in signing employement contracts, and not getting involved in legal problems in the future.
This paper exposes and analyses the main aspects of an employment contract from professional football athletes. The goal of this paper consists on study, briefly, the main topics in an employement sports contract, and also present many curiosities that appear on sports scope. During the study, it was used, as scientific method, mainly, bibliographic survey, together with news and jurisprudence researches. The study verify that there are many legal regulations about employement contracts on football, like the Labor Laws Consolidation and Law #9615, however, football is responsible for many discussions and affects milions of people in Brazil, so these legal regulations are not known by many Brazilian football fans. This paper shows the importance of football clubs in signing employement contracts, and not getting involved in legal problems in the future.
contrato de trabalho desportivo , atleta profissional de futebol , lei Pelé , employement sports contract , professional football athlete , law Pelé