A cobrança que ultrapassa os 90 minutos: o assédio moral ao atleta profissional de futebol e a responsabilidade do clube empregador
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Jordão, Isadora de Campos
Afonso, Túlio Augusto Tayano
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No dia a dia do futebol no Brasil é cada vez mais comum nos depararmos com situações desagradáveis de violência e ameaças aos atletas profissionais, seja pelas redes sociais, nos estádios, na saída das partidas. O assédio moral sofrido pelos jogadores de futebol cometido pelos torcedores tem repercussão nas notícias, mas não causa grande comoção social, repetindo-se diversas vezes. Assim, o presente trabalho visa estudar o assédio moral, mas não na perspectiva laboral cometida pelo empregador, pretende-se estudá-lo na ótica de quando é cometido pelos torcedores e amantes do futebol contra os protagonistas nesse cenário: os atletas. Aqui, pretende-se buscar o porquê de o assédio moral ser tão corriqueiro no esporte, bem como o porquê de ele ser aceito e amenizado no ambiente desportivo. Assim, quer-se analisar a quem deve ser atribuída responsabilidade de reparação de danos e os responsáveis por tomar medidas que evitem tais episódios de acontecerem e resguardar a integridade física e psíquica dos atletas com enfoque no papel do clube empregador nesse cenário.
In the daily life of football in Brazil, it is increasingly common to come across unpleasant situations of violence and threats to professional athletes, whether through social networks, in stadiums, when leaving matches. The harassment suffered by soccer players committed by fans has repercussions in the news, but does not cause great social commotion, being repeated several times. Thus, this work aims to study moral harassment, but not in the employment perspective committed by the employer, it is intended to study it from the perspective of when it is committed by soccer fans and lovers against the protagonists in this scenario: athletes. Here, it is intended to seek why the moral harassment is so common in sports, as well as why it is accepted and mitigated in the sports environment. Thus, the aim is to analyze to who should be responsible for repairing damages and those responsible for taking measures to prevent such episodes from happening and to protect the physical and psychological integrity of the athletes, focusing on the role of the employer club in this scenario.
In the daily life of football in Brazil, it is increasingly common to come across unpleasant situations of violence and threats to professional athletes, whether through social networks, in stadiums, when leaving matches. The harassment suffered by soccer players committed by fans has repercussions in the news, but does not cause great social commotion, being repeated several times. Thus, this work aims to study moral harassment, but not in the employment perspective committed by the employer, it is intended to study it from the perspective of when it is committed by soccer fans and lovers against the protagonists in this scenario: athletes. Here, it is intended to seek why the moral harassment is so common in sports, as well as why it is accepted and mitigated in the sports environment. Thus, the aim is to analyze to who should be responsible for repairing damages and those responsible for taking measures to prevent such episodes from happening and to protect the physical and psychological integrity of the athletes, focusing on the role of the employer club in this scenario.
assédio moral , futebol , atleta profissional , moral harassment , soccer , professional athlete