Análise sobre a tecnologia utilizada no sistema penitenciário brasileiro como meio de reintegração social do apenado
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Granito, Iago
Felberg, Rodrigo
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O presente trabalho abordará a reintegração social do preso no Brasil e a utilização da tecnologia como meio de promoção da reintegração. A ideia do estudo surgiu em razão da constatação de uma divergência prática existente entre a Lei de Execução Penal, em seu artigo 1°, que menciona ser o objetivo da execução penal a efetivação das disposições de sentença para a harmônica integração social do condenado e, de outro lado, a necessidade de ações afirmativas para que a reintegração social seja plenamente efetivada. Dessa forma, o estudo tratou de analisar a reintegração social no Brasil e a influência da tecnologia para a efetivação desta, com destaque para a internet como meio de auxílio à integração social. Portanto, o estudo se iniciará pela análise da pena e sua função, passando a estudar a reintegração social no Brasil e verificando seus efeitos e atuais interrogações que vão de encontro ao objetivo básico da pena no país, além dos índices de reincidência existentes atualmente. Posteriormente, será analisada a aplicação de ações afirmativas nas penitenciárias e presídios no Brasil, com enfoque nas ações baseadas na tecnologia atual para atender aos fins dispostos na Lei de Execução Penal. Por último, será realizada uma análise jurisprudencial sobre as ações afirmativas mais utilizadas e sobre a utilização da tecnologia nas penitenciárias do país. Destarte, poderemos concluir se a tecnologia é bem ou mal utilizada nas prisões para fins de reintegração social, além de sua utilidade dentro destes locais.
This study will address the social reintegration of prisoners in Brazil and the use of technology as a means of promoting the social reintegration. The idea of the study arose from the finding of a divergence between the Criminal Execution Law, in its article 1, which mentions that the objective of criminal execution is to implement the sentence provisions for the harmonious social integration of the convict and, on the other hand, the need for affirmative action for social reintegration to be fully implemented. Thus, the study analyzed social reintegration in Brazil and the influence of technology for its realization, with emphasis on the internet as a means of aiding social integration. Therefore, the study will start by analyzing the penalty and its function, going on to study social reintegration in Brazil and verifying its effects and current questions that go against the basic objective of the penalty in the country, in addition to the rates of recidivism that currently exist. Subsequently, the application of affirmative actions in prisons in Brazil will be analyzed, with a focus on actions based on current technology to meet the purposes set out in the Criminal Execution Law. Finally, a jurisprudential analysis will be carried out on the most used affirmative actions and on the use of technology in the country's penitentiaries. Thus, we will be able to conclude whether the technology is good or bad used in prisons for social reintegration purposes, in addition to its usefulness within these places.
This study will address the social reintegration of prisoners in Brazil and the use of technology as a means of promoting the social reintegration. The idea of the study arose from the finding of a divergence between the Criminal Execution Law, in its article 1, which mentions that the objective of criminal execution is to implement the sentence provisions for the harmonious social integration of the convict and, on the other hand, the need for affirmative action for social reintegration to be fully implemented. Thus, the study analyzed social reintegration in Brazil and the influence of technology for its realization, with emphasis on the internet as a means of aiding social integration. Therefore, the study will start by analyzing the penalty and its function, going on to study social reintegration in Brazil and verifying its effects and current questions that go against the basic objective of the penalty in the country, in addition to the rates of recidivism that currently exist. Subsequently, the application of affirmative actions in prisons in Brazil will be analyzed, with a focus on actions based on current technology to meet the purposes set out in the Criminal Execution Law. Finally, a jurisprudential analysis will be carried out on the most used affirmative actions and on the use of technology in the country's penitentiaries. Thus, we will be able to conclude whether the technology is good or bad used in prisons for social reintegration purposes, in addition to its usefulness within these places.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
execução penal , preso , reintegração , lei , criminal execution , prisoners , reintegration , law