Necropolítica: a guerra às drogas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro
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Souza, Manuela Gonçalves Abreu
Vellozo, Júlio César de Oliveira
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O presente artigo possui como objetivo pensar a relação das políticas de segurança pública do
Rio de Janeiro, com o genocídio da população negra e a instituição de um Estado de exceção
permanente nas favelas cariocas, posicionando a “guerra às drogas” enquanto técnica
governamental da necropolítica brasileira. Apresentamos o campo teórico dos estudos sobre
colonialidade e necropolítica, priorizando os conceitos de Achille Mbembe. Utilizamos como
metodologia a abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando análise documental (fonte
primário) e bibliográfica (fonte secundária). Assim, propomos um encontro da criminologia
crítica com o pensamento pós-colonial para que, atenta ao genocídio legitimado por meio das
operações das forças de segurança pública em nome do combate ao tráfico de drogas, possa
ser apta a esclarecer que o conceito de “guerra às drogas” esconde e naturaliza as
circunstâncias que tornaram possíveis o derramamento de sangue.
This article aims to think about the relationship of public security policies in Rio de Janeiro, with the genocide of the black population and the establishment of a permanent state of exception inside the favelas in Rio, positioning the “war on drugs” as a government technique of the Brazilian’s necropolitics. We present the theoretical field of studies on coloniality and necropolitics, prioritizing the concepts of Achille Mbembe. We use as methodology the qualitative research approach, using documentary analysis (primary source) and bibliographic (secondary source). Thus, we propose an encounter between critical criminology and post colonial thinking so that, attentive to the legitimate genocide through the operations of public security forces in the name of combating drug trafficking, it may be able to clarify that the concept of “war to drugs” hides and naturalizes the circumstances that made bloodshed possible.
This article aims to think about the relationship of public security policies in Rio de Janeiro, with the genocide of the black population and the establishment of a permanent state of exception inside the favelas in Rio, positioning the “war on drugs” as a government technique of the Brazilian’s necropolitics. We present the theoretical field of studies on coloniality and necropolitics, prioritizing the concepts of Achille Mbembe. We use as methodology the qualitative research approach, using documentary analysis (primary source) and bibliographic (secondary source). Thus, we propose an encounter between critical criminology and post colonial thinking so that, attentive to the legitimate genocide through the operations of public security forces in the name of combating drug trafficking, it may be able to clarify that the concept of “war to drugs” hides and naturalizes the circumstances that made bloodshed possible.
direito , necropolítica , guerra às drogas law , necropolitics , war on drugs