O pedófilo e a pornografia infantojuvenil no contexto do mundo virtual
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Pedroso, Luccas André
Felberg, Rodrigo
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É notório que o mundo moderno propiciou inovações tecnológicas que revolucionaram o
papel do ser humano na sociedade. De fato, com o advento do mundo cibernético, a internet
assumiu papel essencial na construção da vida moderna revolucionando de forma permanente
o convívio humano bem como as interações sociais. Importante ressaltar que, ainda que tenha
estabelecido um poderoso mecanismo de rompimento de fronteiras e facilitado a vida humana
através da velocidade de propagação das informações também revolucionou as práticas
criminosas. A partir daqui, cumpre a importante missão de traçar os limites das legislações
eminentes que combatem situações de violência sexual e pornografia infantojuvenil por meio
do mundo virtual. Conceituar-se-á os crimes objetos desse trabalho e será feita análise acerca
do perfil de atuação dos pedófilos de modo a desmistificar a opinião do senso comum acerca
desses criminosos sexuais. Outrossim, objetiva-se, ainda, na seara criminal, delimitar as
dificuldades no estabelecimento da punibilidade dessas condutas delituosas sem deixar inerte
o principal objetivo, qual seja, o estabelecimento de mecanismos de proteção da dignidade da
criança e do adolescente no mundo pós internet.
It is well known that the modern world has provided technological innovations that have revolutionized the role of human beings in society. In fact, with the advent of the cyber world, the internet has taken on an essential role in the construction of human life, permanently revolutionizing our coexistence as well as social interactions. It is important to note that, although it has established itself as a powerful mechanism for breaking borders and, facilitating human life through the speed of propagation of information, it has also revolutionized criminal practices. From here, we will fulfill the mission of drawing the limits of the eminent laws that combat situations of sexual violence and child pornography through cyberspace. We will conceptualize the crimes that are the object of this work and, we will scientifically analyze the profile of pedophiles in order to demystify the common sense opinion about these sex offenders, also aiming, in the criminal field, to delimit the difficulties in establishing the punishment of these criminal conduct, without leaving our main objective is inert, namely, the establishment of mechanisms to protect the dignity of children and adolescents in the post-internet world.
It is well known that the modern world has provided technological innovations that have revolutionized the role of human beings in society. In fact, with the advent of the cyber world, the internet has taken on an essential role in the construction of human life, permanently revolutionizing our coexistence as well as social interactions. It is important to note that, although it has established itself as a powerful mechanism for breaking borders and, facilitating human life through the speed of propagation of information, it has also revolutionized criminal practices. From here, we will fulfill the mission of drawing the limits of the eminent laws that combat situations of sexual violence and child pornography through cyberspace. We will conceptualize the crimes that are the object of this work and, we will scientifically analyze the profile of pedophiles in order to demystify the common sense opinion about these sex offenders, also aiming, in the criminal field, to delimit the difficulties in establishing the punishment of these criminal conduct, without leaving our main objective is inert, namely, the establishment of mechanisms to protect the dignity of children and adolescents in the post-internet world.
violência sexual , pedofilia , crimes cibernéticos , sexual violence , pedophilia , cybercrimes