Análise da repressão ao insider trading no âmbito administrativo e penal
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Guerra, Enzo Padovani
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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Este trabalho possui como objetivo efetuar uma análise, com base em textos teóricos
e pesquisas científicas, da repressão ao insider trading em âmbito administrativo e
penal. Tal análise é de extrema importância uma vez que o mercado de capitais é um
instituto imprescindível para evolução econômica do pais e o ato de insider trading
possui alta capacidade de destruir um dos pilares sustentadores deste instituto, a
confiança dos investidores. Propõe-se assim, trazer reflexões e análises sobre o
aparato jurídico de repressão ao insider trading e sua efetividade, passando por toda
a conceituação histórica e teórica que permeia o assunto insider trading, casos de
insider trading no Brasil e análise da efetividade e necessidade da existência da
sanção penal. Sob essa ótica, observa-se a existência de aparatos jurídicos para
repressão da conduta em âmbito penal e administrativo, mas que apenas neste
ultimo há efetividade na repressão.
This work aims at analyzing, based on theoretical texts and scientific researches, the repression of insider trading in administrative and criminal scope. Such analysis is extremely important once the capital market is an essential institution for the country's economic evolution and the act of insider trading has a high capacity of destroying one of the sustaining pillars of this institute, the investors' trust. Therefore, we propose to bring reflections and analysis on the legal apparatus of repression to insider trading and its effectiveness, going through the historical and theoretical conceptualization that permeates the insider trading subject, cases of insider trading in Brazil, and analysis of the effectiveness and need of the existence of the criminal sanction. From this point of view, it is observed the existence of legal apparatuses for the repression of the conduct in criminal and administrative spheres, but that only in the latter there is effectiveness in the repression.
This work aims at analyzing, based on theoretical texts and scientific researches, the repression of insider trading in administrative and criminal scope. Such analysis is extremely important once the capital market is an essential institution for the country's economic evolution and the act of insider trading has a high capacity of destroying one of the sustaining pillars of this institute, the investors' trust. Therefore, we propose to bring reflections and analysis on the legal apparatus of repression to insider trading and its effectiveness, going through the historical and theoretical conceptualization that permeates the insider trading subject, cases of insider trading in Brazil, and analysis of the effectiveness and need of the existence of the criminal sanction. From this point of view, it is observed the existence of legal apparatuses for the repression of the conduct in criminal and administrative spheres, but that only in the latter there is effectiveness in the repression.
insider trading , direito administrativo , direito penal , insider trading , administrative law , criminal law