Aspectos da formação da teoria da guerra justa
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Assis, Daniel Fernando
Resende Junior, José de
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O presente estudo tem por objetivo apresentar a construção histórica e sistemática do
conceito de guerra justa, passando desde os primórdios da filosofia antiga até os conceitos
mais modernos. Trata-se de uma tentativa de mostrar as dicotomias entre a guerra e a paz,
evidenciando suas consequências teóricas nos momentos de combate e formação Estatal.
Para esse fim, foram abordados alguns filósofos que estão como responsáveis pelo
entendimento do conceito de guerra justa. Sendo eles, Cícero, Santo Agostinho, Tomás
de Aquino, Hugo de Grotius, Alberico Gentili, Immanuel Kant e Georg Hegel. Alguns
destes teóricos foram abordados com mais enfoque do que outros, trata-se de uma
necessidade para melhor compreender os aspectos vinculantes entre as filosofias. Após o
relato da formação do conceito da guerra justa, foram apresentadas algumas lacunas nas
teorias, evidenciando a falta de consenso sobre os aspectos éticos da guerra.
This study aims to present the historical and systematic construction of the concept of just war, going from the beginnings of ancient philosophy to the most modern concepts. It is an attempt to show the dichotomies between war and peace, highlighting their theoretical consequences in moments of combat and State formation. To this end, some philosophers who are responsible for understanding the concept of just war were approached. These being Cicero, Saint Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Hugo de Grotius, Alberico Gentili, Immanuel Kant and Georg Hegel. Some of these theories were approached with more focus than others, it is a need to better understand the binding aspects between the philosophies. After the report on the formation of the concept of just war, some gaps in the theory and the problems were presented, showing that there is no consensus on the aspects of just war until today.
This study aims to present the historical and systematic construction of the concept of just war, going from the beginnings of ancient philosophy to the most modern concepts. It is an attempt to show the dichotomies between war and peace, highlighting their theoretical consequences in moments of combat and State formation. To this end, some philosophers who are responsible for understanding the concept of just war were approached. These being Cicero, Saint Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Hugo de Grotius, Alberico Gentili, Immanuel Kant and Georg Hegel. Some of these theories were approached with more focus than others, it is a need to better understand the binding aspects between the philosophies. After the report on the formation of the concept of just war, some gaps in the theory and the problems were presented, showing that there is no consensus on the aspects of just war until today.
guerra justa , direito internacional , filosofia do direito , paz e guerra , fair war , international law , philosophy of law , peace and war