Da obrigação de indenizar por abandono afetivo
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Alves, Karen Caroline Costa
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente artigo trata do abandono afetivo sob a análise da doutrina e da
jurisprudência, buscando demonstrar a responsabilidade civil no âmbito familiar,
especificamente na relação dos ascendentes com seus descendentes em primeiro grau, dos
pais com seus filhos, no que concerne à obrigação do afeto, na medida em que sua falta pode
causar graves danos ao saudável desenvolvimento da criança para a vida adulta, podendo
gerar sequelas que serão levadas por toda a sua vida de forma que os danos oriundos do
abandono podem refletir diretamente nas relações de convívios sociais do sujeito, razão pela
qual, o fato pode suscitar na obrigação de reparação pelo causador do dano mediante o
pagamento de indenização.
This article deals with affective abandonment under the analysis of doctrine and jurisprudence, seeking to demonstrate civil responsibility in the family sphere, specifically in the relationship of the ascendants with their descendants in the first degree, of the parents with their children, with regard to the obligation of affection, in to the extent that its lack can cause serious damage to the healthy development of the child for adult life, it can generate sequelae that will be carried throughout his life in such a way that the damage arising from abandonment can directly reflect on the subject's social relationships, reason whereby, the fact may give rise to the obligation of reparation by the person causing the damage through the payment of compensation.
This article deals with affective abandonment under the analysis of doctrine and jurisprudence, seeking to demonstrate civil responsibility in the family sphere, specifically in the relationship of the ascendants with their descendants in the first degree, of the parents with their children, with regard to the obligation of affection, in to the extent that its lack can cause serious damage to the healthy development of the child for adult life, it can generate sequelae that will be carried throughout his life in such a way that the damage arising from abandonment can directly reflect on the subject's social relationships, reason whereby, the fact may give rise to the obligation of reparation by the person causing the damage through the payment of compensation.
obrigação de indenizar , abandono afetivo , obligation to indemnify , emotional abandonment