Como a pandemia de Covid-19 pode agravar o quadro de violência doméstica e feminicídio no Brasil
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Gil, Júlia Nuzzi
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão sobre a violência doméstica e feminicídio no
Brasil, bem como apontamentos sobre seus desdobramentos por conta do isolamento social
que o surto de COVID-19 causou no mundo, em especial no Brasil e busca estabelecer
relações entre o isolamento social e o aumento da violência contra as mulheres. Serão
utilizadas as estatísticas de violência no Brasil antes do período de pandemia, estudos sobre os
efeitos comportamentais do isolamento e as estatísticas de aumento do consumo de álcool e
violência contra mulheres durante o período de isolamento, bem como dados e relatórios,
ainda incipientes, publicados pela imprensa, organizações nacionais e internacionais.
The present work presents a reflection about the domestic violence and feminicide in Brazil, as well as notes on his ramifications for social isolation that the outbreak of COVID-19 caused in the world, in special in Brazil and looks for establish relations between the social isolation and the increase of the violence against the women. The statistics about violence in Brazil will be used before the period of pandemic, studies on the behaviorals effects of the isolation and the statistics of increase about the consumption of alcohol and violence against women during the isolation period, as well as datas and reports, still incipient, published by the press, national and international organizations.
The present work presents a reflection about the domestic violence and feminicide in Brazil, as well as notes on his ramifications for social isolation that the outbreak of COVID-19 caused in the world, in special in Brazil and looks for establish relations between the social isolation and the increase of the violence against the women. The statistics about violence in Brazil will be used before the period of pandemic, studies on the behaviorals effects of the isolation and the statistics of increase about the consumption of alcohol and violence against women during the isolation period, as well as datas and reports, still incipient, published by the press, national and international organizations.
COVID-19 , feminicídio , lei Maria da Penha , violência doméstica , isolamento social , feminicide , Maria da Penha’s law , domestic violence , social isolation