Refugiados vítimas do tráfico de pessoas: uma análise sob a ótica da crise na Venezuela
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Lazari, Julia Moreira
Andreucci, Ana Cláudia Pompeu Torezan
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Com a facilidade da mobilidade humana pelo mundo mais pessoas têm cruzado fronteiras, algumas por livre espontânea vontade outras, infelizmente, são forçadas devido às condições ruins diversas, que as levam a buscar uma qualidade de vida melhor, para a maioria dessas só lhes restam solicitar refúgio em outros países. Outro assunto que está intimamente ligado a mobilidade humana é o crime do tráfico de pessoas, e os refugiados por já se encontrarem em situações de maior vulnerabilidade tornam-se alvos dos traficantes, seja para exploração sexual, trabalho escravo, etc, a situação é ainda pior quando tratamos das crianças e adolescentes. Com isso posto, o artigo trará uma análise jurídica das principais legislações nacionais e internacionais que vigoram sobre ambos os assuntos e a necessidade de políticas públicas para proteger e apoiar os milhares de refugiados venezuelanos que cruzam a fronteira, possíveis vítimas do tráfico
With the human mobility facility around the world more people have crossed borders, some of their own free will others, unfortunately, are forced to do it because of several bad conditions that lead them to seek a better quality of life, for the majority of them they only have to request for the status of refuge in other countries. Another issue that is closely linked to human mobility is the crime of human trafficking, and the refugees, because they find themselves in situations of greater vulnerability, become targets of traffickers, either for sexual exploitation, slave labor, etc., the situation is even worse when we treat children and adolescents. With that said, the article will bring a legal analysis of the main national and international laws that apply on both subjects and the need of public policies to protect and support the thousands of Venezuelans refugees crossing the border, potential victims of trafficking
With the human mobility facility around the world more people have crossed borders, some of their own free will others, unfortunately, are forced to do it because of several bad conditions that lead them to seek a better quality of life, for the majority of them they only have to request for the status of refuge in other countries. Another issue that is closely linked to human mobility is the crime of human trafficking, and the refugees, because they find themselves in situations of greater vulnerability, become targets of traffickers, either for sexual exploitation, slave labor, etc., the situation is even worse when we treat children and adolescents. With that said, the article will bring a legal analysis of the main national and international laws that apply on both subjects and the need of public policies to protect and support the thousands of Venezuelans refugees crossing the border, potential victims of trafficking
direito , direitos humanos , refugiados , tráfico humano , law , human rights , refugees , human trafficking