A disciplina no sistema carcerário brasileiro: uma análise à luz da lei de execução penal
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Pereira, Amanda Nobres
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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O presente trabalho explicita sobre a disciplina no sistema prisional nos termos da Lei de
Execução Penal. É cediço que, há faltas graves, médias e leves, as quais são definidas pela lei
e regulamentos ou estatutos penitenciários, todavia, observa-se que não há uma uniformidade
quanto a definição das faltas leves e médias, bem como uma definição clara das faltas graves.
Ademais, há outros aspectos estudados neste trabalho, ou seja, acerca do procedimento
disciplinar, o qual se divide em instauração, audiência, defesa técnica, contraditório, decisão e
recursos; da aplicação de sanções disciplinares; recompensas; prescrição e reabilitação. Além
disso, é essencial destacar que estes tópicos também apresentam lacunas, uma vez que não há
uma definição clara e uma forma específica de cada temática. Portanto, demonstra-se possíveis
definições, críticas e soluções, com base na Lei de Execução Penal, doutrina e jurisprudência.
This work explains the discipline in the prison system under the terms of the Criminal Execution Law. It is certain that there are serious, medium and light faults, which are defined by the law and penitentiary statutes or regulations, however, it is observed that there is no uniformity regarding the definition of light and medium faults, as well as a clear definition of serious faults. Furthermore, there are other aspects studied in this work, that is, about the disciplinary procedure, which is divided into initiation, hearing, technical defense, decision and appeals; the application of disciplinary sanctions; rewards; prescription and rehabilitation. In addition, it is essential to highlight that these also have gaps, since there is no clear definition and specific form of each theme. Therefore, it demonstrates possible definitions, criticisms and solutions, based on the Criminal Execution Law, doctrine and jurisprudence.
This work explains the discipline in the prison system under the terms of the Criminal Execution Law. It is certain that there are serious, medium and light faults, which are defined by the law and penitentiary statutes or regulations, however, it is observed that there is no uniformity regarding the definition of light and medium faults, as well as a clear definition of serious faults. Furthermore, there are other aspects studied in this work, that is, about the disciplinary procedure, which is divided into initiation, hearing, technical defense, decision and appeals; the application of disciplinary sanctions; rewards; prescription and rehabilitation. In addition, it is essential to highlight that these also have gaps, since there is no clear definition and specific form of each theme. Therefore, it demonstrates possible definitions, criticisms and solutions, based on the Criminal Execution Law, doctrine and jurisprudence.
disciplina , faltas disciplinares , lei de execução penal , lacunas , discipline , disciplinary offenses , criminal enforcement law , gaps