A ação do inimigo de nossas almas: o modo de agir de Satanás antes, durante e após a sua prisão
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Nascimento, Giuliano Nobis
Campos, Heber Carlos de
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Satanás atua contra o homem desde a criação. O modo de agir do inimigo depende se ele está preso ou não. No livro de Apocalipse, o apóstolo João relata que a prisão de Satanás ocorreu após a instauração do reinado milenar de Cristo, o chamado milênio. Embora Satanás, no presente momento - de acordo com a visão amilenista, esteja preso, ele promove ações danosas à humanidade como um todo, especialmente ao povo de Deus. A ação de Satanás, antes de sua prisão, é contra o povo escolhido de Deus no Antigo Testamento. Durante a sua clausura, Satanás tenta impedir a proclamação do evangelho de Cristo a todas as nações. Já após a sua soltura, quando o evangelho não será mais pregado, o diabo engana as nações e as incita a se voltarem contra os eleitos. Essa monografia propõe um estudo sistemático sobre o modus operandi de Satanás, objetivando o esclarecimento do povo de Deus quanto às estratégias do inimigo e munindo a igreja de conhecimento, a fim de resistir ao diabo enquanto aguarda a volta do nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo e a completa derrota dos nossos inimigos.
Satan works against man since creation. The enemy´s action depends if he is trapped, or not. In the Apocalipse book, the apostle John reports that the arrest of Satan took place after the establishment of the millennial reign of Christ, called millemiun. Although Satan, in the presente moment – as the amillennialist vision, is arrested, he promotes harmful actions to humanity, especially to the God’s peopple. Satan acts, before being arrested, against God’s chosen people in the Old Testament. During your cloister, Satan tries to prevent the gospel proclamation to all nations. After his release, when the gospel will no longer be preached, the devil deceives the nations and incites them to turn against the elects. This monograph proposes a systematic study on the Satan´s modus operandi, for the enlightenment of God’s people as for the enemy’s strategies and equipping the church with knowledge, in order to resist the devil while awaiting the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Satan works against man since creation. The enemy´s action depends if he is trapped, or not. In the Apocalipse book, the apostle John reports that the arrest of Satan took place after the establishment of the millennial reign of Christ, called millemiun. Although Satan, in the presente moment – as the amillennialist vision, is arrested, he promotes harmful actions to humanity, especially to the God’s peopple. Satan acts, before being arrested, against God’s chosen people in the Old Testament. During your cloister, Satan tries to prevent the gospel proclamation to all nations. After his release, when the gospel will no longer be preached, the devil deceives the nations and incites them to turn against the elects. This monograph proposes a systematic study on the Satan´s modus operandi, for the enlightenment of God’s people as for the enemy’s strategies and equipping the church with knowledge, in order to resist the devil while awaiting the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
prisão de Satanás , milênio , ação de Satanás , soltura de Satanás , modus operandi de Satanás , Satan’s arrest , millenium , Satan’s action , Satan’s release , Satan’s modus operandi