As vantagens das sessões de mediação nas ações de famiília
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Silva, Vitor Santos Dantas da
Jorgeti, Lourdes Regina
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Os conflitos familiares envolvem uma enorme complexidade, pois envolvem outros aspectos
além dos jurídicos. Cada vez mais se torna perceptível que o processo judicial, apesar de
impor uma decisão as partes, não resolve o conflito, que pode voltar à tona. Esse trabalho
tem como objetivo mostrar a necessidade das sessões de mediação durante as ações de
família. Durante a pesquisa, será abordado o conceito de mediação, o Direito de Família e
sua alta complexidade, as mencionadas ações de familia e as sessões de mediação e
conciliação que ocorrem durante o procedimento. A metodologia do trabalho é por meio de
pesquisa bibliográfica. Tornou-se possivel perceber que a multidisciplinaridade nas sessões
são fundamentais nas demandas familiares, já que envolvem questões que o Direito não
consegue resolver e o mediador é capaz de refazer a comunicação na relação familiar, já que
é uma relação contínua . Assim, é possível concluir que a mediação é o melhor método para
resolver esses conflitos do que a conciliação e também do que o tradicional sistema judicial.
Family conflicts involve enormous complexity, as they involve other aspects beyond the legal ones. It is increasingly noticeable that the judicial process, despite imposing a decision on the parties, does not resolve the conflict, which may return to the surface. This work aims to show the need for mediation sessions during family lawsuits. During the research, the concept of mediation, Family Law and its high complexity, the mentioned family actions and the mediation and conciliation sessions that take place during the procedure will be addressed. The methodology of the work is through bibliographic research. It became possible to realize that multidisciplinarity in sessions is fundamental to family demands, since they involve issues that the Law is unable to resolve and the mediator is able to redo communication in the family relationship, since it is a continuous relationship. Thus, it is possible to conclude that mediation is the best method to resolve these conflicts than conciliation and also than the traditional judicial system.
Family conflicts involve enormous complexity, as they involve other aspects beyond the legal ones. It is increasingly noticeable that the judicial process, despite imposing a decision on the parties, does not resolve the conflict, which may return to the surface. This work aims to show the need for mediation sessions during family lawsuits. During the research, the concept of mediation, Family Law and its high complexity, the mentioned family actions and the mediation and conciliation sessions that take place during the procedure will be addressed. The methodology of the work is through bibliographic research. It became possible to realize that multidisciplinarity in sessions is fundamental to family demands, since they involve issues that the Law is unable to resolve and the mediator is able to redo communication in the family relationship, since it is a continuous relationship. Thus, it is possible to conclude that mediation is the best method to resolve these conflicts than conciliation and also than the traditional judicial system.
família , mediação , conflitos , ações de família , family , mediation , conflict , family lawsuits