A importância do estudo e conhecimento teológico para a igreja
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Silva, Edson Honório de Oliveira
Portela Neto, Francisco Solano
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No mundo contemporâneo, estudar teologia é considerado algo desnecessário e não aplicável as nossas igrejas e nem aos seus membros. Com o “movimento carismático” a ênfase em uma experiência puramente espiritual e somente prática tornou-se um padrão de uma igreja considerada em seus termos como “viva” ou “avivada” e deixou-se de lado a importância para sua doutrina, sistematização e sua história. Todos os cristãos são instados a crescer, não apenas na graça de Deus, mas também em seu conhecimento através de seu Filho Jesus Cristo. A compreensão correta sobre Deus molda o cristão a apresentar uma adoração correta, uma intercessão fiel, uma compreensão da missão cristã e a guardar sua doutrina bíblica de desvios nocivos ao verdadeiro e puro cristianismo. A grande dificuldade dos dias atuais é que o estudo teológico tem sido desprezado, ou não tem encontrado espaço nas igrejas e nos cristãos “comuns”, pois muitos creem que o estudo da teologia é destinado aos seminários e seminaristas, aos acadêmicos e teólogos, de modo que o cristão “comum” não necessita de se aprofundar na reflexão teológica, que é considerada enfadonha, entediante, complexa, intelectual e contrária a expressão espiritual da fé cristã. O lugar mais difícil de falar sobre teologia é na própria comunidade evangélica. Por este motivo, o objetivo deste trabalho é demostrar a importância do estudo teológico para a igreja contemporânea e apresentar argumentos capazes de convencer de que o deleite na teologia não é restrito aos ministros, pastores, teólogos, mas também as pessoas comuns que frequentam as congregações, aos servos fiéis de Cristo, àqueles que desejam entender e praticar a palavra de Deus em sua vida. A pergunta que será respondida tratará da necessidade que o cristão tem de estudar e aprender sobre as Escrituras Sagradas, somada à ideia sobre a importância de que crescer em conhecimento é algo que Deus espera de seus servos, além de uma prática e aplicação desejável de sua palavra.
In the contemporary world, studying theology is considered unnecessary and not applicable to our churches or their members. With the "charismatic movement" the emphasis on a purely spiritual and only practical experience became a pattern of a church considered in its terms as "alive" or "revived" and the importance for its doctrine, systematization, and your story. All Christians are urged to grow, not only in the grace of God, but also in the knowledge of him through his Son Jesus Christ. The correct understanding of God shapes the Christian to present correct worship, faithful intercession, an understanding of the Christian mission and to guard his biblical doctrine from harmful deviations from true and pure Christianity. The great difficulty of the present day is that theological study has been despised or has not found space in churches and “ordinary” Christians, since many believe that the study of theology is destined for seminaries and seminarians, for academics and theologians, so that the “ordinary” Christian does not need to delve into theological reflection, which is considered boring, boring, complex, intellectual, and contrary to the spiritual expression of the Christian faith. The hardest place to talk about theology is in the evangelical community itself. For this reason, the objective of this work is to demonstrate the importance of theological study for the contemporary church and to present arguments capable of convincing that the delight in theology is not restricted to ministers, pastors, theologians, but also to common people who attend congregations, to the faithful servants of Christ, to those who want to understand and practice the word of God in their lives. The question that will be answered will deal with the Christian's need to study and learn about the Holy Scriptures, added to the idea about the importance of growing in knowledge is something that God expects from his servants, in addition to a desirable practice and application of his word.
In the contemporary world, studying theology is considered unnecessary and not applicable to our churches or their members. With the "charismatic movement" the emphasis on a purely spiritual and only practical experience became a pattern of a church considered in its terms as "alive" or "revived" and the importance for its doctrine, systematization, and your story. All Christians are urged to grow, not only in the grace of God, but also in the knowledge of him through his Son Jesus Christ. The correct understanding of God shapes the Christian to present correct worship, faithful intercession, an understanding of the Christian mission and to guard his biblical doctrine from harmful deviations from true and pure Christianity. The great difficulty of the present day is that theological study has been despised or has not found space in churches and “ordinary” Christians, since many believe that the study of theology is destined for seminaries and seminarians, for academics and theologians, so that the “ordinary” Christian does not need to delve into theological reflection, which is considered boring, boring, complex, intellectual, and contrary to the spiritual expression of the Christian faith. The hardest place to talk about theology is in the evangelical community itself. For this reason, the objective of this work is to demonstrate the importance of theological study for the contemporary church and to present arguments capable of convincing that the delight in theology is not restricted to ministers, pastors, theologians, but also to common people who attend congregations, to the faithful servants of Christ, to those who want to understand and practice the word of God in their lives. The question that will be answered will deal with the Christian's need to study and learn about the Holy Scriptures, added to the idea about the importance of growing in knowledge is something that God expects from his servants, in addition to a desirable practice and application of his word.
Teologia , doutrina , conhecimento teológico , reflexão teológica , estudo teológico , Theology , doctrine , theological knowledge , theological reflection , theological reflection