A certeza da salvação na casuística puritana
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Silva, Danilo Romagna Dias Timóteo da
Campos Júnior, Heber Carlos de
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É reconhecido e facilmente percebido por aqueles que leem ou já tiveram um bom contato com os escritos dos Puritanos, que sua teologia é prática, e que seu labor intelectual buscava contribuições pastorais, mudanças de ética e conduta. O que pouco se sabe é que os Puritanos trabalhavam esse tipo de conteúdo numa forma escrita que deu origem a uma casuística peculiar; e uma doutrina específica e bem presente na casuística puritana foi a Certeza da Salvação. O presente trabalho busca esclarecer a relação orgânica entre a casuística e a doutrina da certeza, e como essa doutrina na casuísta refletiu a identidade puritana e trouxe um modelo importante como possível contribuição pastoral, teológica e ética.
It is often recognized and easily perceived by those who have read or have had enough contact with the writings of Puritans, that their theology is practical, and that their intellectual labor sought pastoral contributions, changes in ethics and conduct. What is less known is that Puritans worked this type of content in a written form that gave rise to a peculiar casuistry; and a specific doctrine that was very much part of Puritan casuistry was the Assurance of Salvation. This present work seeks to clarify the organic relationship between Puritan casuistry and the doctrine of the assurance of salvation, and how this doctrine in the casuist reflected the Puritan identity and brought an important model that may function as a pastoral, theology and ethical contribution.
It is often recognized and easily perceived by those who have read or have had enough contact with the writings of Puritans, that their theology is practical, and that their intellectual labor sought pastoral contributions, changes in ethics and conduct. What is less known is that Puritans worked this type of content in a written form that gave rise to a peculiar casuistry; and a specific doctrine that was very much part of Puritan casuistry was the Assurance of Salvation. This present work seeks to clarify the organic relationship between Puritan casuistry and the doctrine of the assurance of salvation, and how this doctrine in the casuist reflected the Puritan identity and brought an important model that may function as a pastoral, theology and ethical contribution.
casuística , certeza , consciência , fé , segurança , casuistry , certainty , conscience , faith , security