Crítica agostiniana ao ceticismo no diálogo contra acadêmicos
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Paixão, Wendell Gonzaga da
Fontes, Filipe Costa
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Esse trabalho abordará acerca da crítica de Agostinho contra o ceticismo acadêmico. Acreditamos que este trabalho se justifica por basicamente três principais motivos. Primeiramente, pelo tema nele apresentado e discutido, até hoje, não só é relevante, mas também se constitui um dos grandes desafios à fé cristã na contemporaneidade. O filósofo cristão reformado tem uma epistemologia biblicamente orientada no tocante à possibilidade de conhecimento. Não afirmamos simplesmente que o conhecimento seja possível, mas que ele é certo e suficiente, pois Deus se revelou e garante a veracidade e a certeza desse conhecimento. Em segundo lugar, esta pesquisa se justifica pelo referencial teórico escolhido, a saber, a obra Contra Acadêmicos, escrita por Agostinho. É indiscutível a grande relevância que o pensamento Agostiniano tem tanto para a Tradição Cristã, como um todo, como para a tradição Reformada, de um modo particular, no que toca às suas formulações teológicas como sua importância em assuntos filosóficos. Em terceiro lugar, o trabalho se justifica porque, nas leituras que fizemos sobre o tema ceticismo e as várias respostas apresentadas, podemos constatar poucas literaturas que tratem especificamente do ceticismo enfrentado por Agostinho e do modo como poderemos nos utilizar dos argumentos apresentados por ele para fundamentar uma resposta apologética genuinamente cristã contra o ceticismo contemporâneo. A tese é que Agostinho percebeu que o impacto dos postulados céticos era bastante arguto. E isso fez com que o seu primeiro livro após sua conversão tenha sido uma resposta ao ceticismo acadêmico. Pretendemos demonstrar isso. Nossa conclusão é que ele obteve sucesso na sua elaboração argumentativa contra os Novos Acadêmicos.
This paper will deal with the Augustine‟s critique against the academic skepticism. We believe this is a justifiable work basically for three main reasons. Firstly, the thesis it presents is not only relevant, but it is discussed even today, and constitutes also one of the greatest challenges for the contemporaneous Christian faith. The Christian philosopher espouses a biblically-oriented epistemology as to the possibility of knowledge. We do not simply claim that the knowledge is possible, but that it is sure and sufficient, since God has reveled himself and attests the trueness and certainty of such knowledge. Secondly, this investigation is justified by the theological reference of choice, namely, the work Against the Academics, written by Augustine. It is not disputable the great relevance that the Augustinian thought has both for the Christian Tradition, as a whole, and for the Reformed tradition, in a particular way, as to its theological formulations and its importance in philosophical matters. Thirdly, this work is justified because, in the readings we have done on the subject of skepticism and in the various responses presented we have found few literature dealing specifically with the skepticism faced by Augustine and the way we can use the arguments presented by him to base a genuinely Christian apologetic response against the contemporary skepticism. The thesis is that Augustine realized that the impact of skeptical postulates was quite shrewd, and that is why his first book after his conversion is a response to the academic skepticism. That is what we intend demonstrate. We have concluded that he was successful in his argumentative elaboration against the New Academics.
This paper will deal with the Augustine‟s critique against the academic skepticism. We believe this is a justifiable work basically for three main reasons. Firstly, the thesis it presents is not only relevant, but it is discussed even today, and constitutes also one of the greatest challenges for the contemporaneous Christian faith. The Christian philosopher espouses a biblically-oriented epistemology as to the possibility of knowledge. We do not simply claim that the knowledge is possible, but that it is sure and sufficient, since God has reveled himself and attests the trueness and certainty of such knowledge. Secondly, this investigation is justified by the theological reference of choice, namely, the work Against the Academics, written by Augustine. It is not disputable the great relevance that the Augustinian thought has both for the Christian Tradition, as a whole, and for the Reformed tradition, in a particular way, as to its theological formulations and its importance in philosophical matters. Thirdly, this work is justified because, in the readings we have done on the subject of skepticism and in the various responses presented we have found few literature dealing specifically with the skepticism faced by Augustine and the way we can use the arguments presented by him to base a genuinely Christian apologetic response against the contemporary skepticism. The thesis is that Augustine realized that the impact of skeptical postulates was quite shrewd, and that is why his first book after his conversion is a response to the academic skepticism. That is what we intend demonstrate. We have concluded that he was successful in his argumentative elaboration against the New Academics.
conhecimento , Agostinho , ceticismo , apologética , knowledge , Augustine , skepticism , apologetics