O uso do Sursum Corda por Calvino como chave para explicar a presença real de Cristo na ceia do Senhor
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Bizzo, Sílvio César Alves
Campos, Heber Carlos de
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O presente trabalho trata do uso do Sursum Corda por Calvino como chave para explicar a presença real de Cristo na Ceia do Senhor. O trabalho teve como objetivo geral verificar como, na doutrina de Calvino, o Sursum Corda foi utilizado para explicar a aplicação da obra de Cristo na vida do crente, quando de sua participação na Ceia do Senhor, bem como a aplicabilidade do seu uso à luz da teologia reformada. De acordo com o estudo bibliográfico desenvolvido, foi possível concluir que essa doutrina de Calvino não ficou devidamente clara, sobretudo na sua principal obra chamada “As Institutas da Religião Cristã”. Este trabalho dispôs de embasamento teórico fundamentado nos principais escritos de Calvino sobre a Ceia do Senhor, abrangendo também autores do período da patrística e da reforma, bem como autores reformados contemporâneos, a exemplo de Louis Berkhof e Herman Bavinck. Utilizou-se da pesquisa bibliográfica com métodos exploratório, explicativo e descritivo. Concluiu-se pela não aplicabilidade do uso do Sursum Corda proposto por Calvino, tanto para explicar a presença real de Cristo na Ceia do Senhor, quanto para a prática litúrgica reformada.
The present work deals with the use of the Sursum Corda by Calvin as a key to explain the real presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper. The general objective of the work was to verify how, in Calvin's doctrine, the Sursum Corda was used to explain the application of Christ's work in the life of the believer, when he participated in the Lord's Supper, and its applicability in the light of reformed theology. According to the bibliographic study developed, it is possible to conclude that this doctrine of Calvin was not properly clear, especially in his main work called “The Institutes of the Christian Religion”. This work had theoretical basis from Calvin's main writings on the Lord's Supper, also considering authors from the patristic and reformation period, as well as contemporary reformed authors, such as Louis Berkhof and Herman Bavinck. Bibliographic research was used, with exploratory, explanatory and descriptive methods. It was concluded by the non-applicability of the use of the Sursum Corda made by Calvin, both to explain the real presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper, and for the reformed liturgical practice.
The present work deals with the use of the Sursum Corda by Calvin as a key to explain the real presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper. The general objective of the work was to verify how, in Calvin's doctrine, the Sursum Corda was used to explain the application of Christ's work in the life of the believer, when he participated in the Lord's Supper, and its applicability in the light of reformed theology. According to the bibliographic study developed, it is possible to conclude that this doctrine of Calvin was not properly clear, especially in his main work called “The Institutes of the Christian Religion”. This work had theoretical basis from Calvin's main writings on the Lord's Supper, also considering authors from the patristic and reformation period, as well as contemporary reformed authors, such as Louis Berkhof and Herman Bavinck. Bibliographic research was used, with exploratory, explanatory and descriptive methods. It was concluded by the non-applicability of the use of the Sursum Corda made by Calvin, both to explain the real presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper, and for the reformed liturgical practice.
Calvino , sacramento , ceia do senhor , santa ceia , presença real , Sursum corda , teologia reformada , Calvin , sacrament , lord's supper , holy supper , real presence , Sursum corda , reformed theology