Entendendo o ser humano total: aplicando a abordagem bíblica do homem como unidade indivisível ao aconselhamento bíblico
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Silva Filho, Máximo Laudelino da
Santos, Valdeci da Silva
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Esta pesquisa, de cunho analítico e bibliográfico, tem por objetivo relacionar a compreensão do ser humano como um ser indivisível, assim como é descrito na Bíblia, com a prática de aconselhamento bíblico. O exame cuidadoso das Escrituras ajuda-nos a conceber que o ser humano é composto por duas partes essenciais, que formam uma unidade indivisível: corpo e alma ou espírito. Entender como esses elementos se relacionam e interagem entre si pode ser muito útil para compreender melhor nossa própria identidade e para ajudar outros a alcançarem a plenitude da vida cristã. Como ainda não há um consenso sobre como essa discussão pode ser aplicada ao aconselhamento bíblico, nesta pesquisa, discutiremos como esse princípio bíblico da integralidade deve ser entendido e como pode ser usado nesse campo de atuação. Esperamos contribuir com conhecimento e literatura pertinente, para que conselheiros bíblicos possam exercer o aconselhamento de maneira mais eficaz, orientando pessoas a alcançar melhor qualidade de vida e de sua relação com Deus, mediante o cuidado integrado de seu corpo, suas emoções e sua espiritualidade.
The aim of this bibliographic and analytical research is to relate the understanding of the human being as an indivisible one, as it is described in the Bible, with the practice of biblical counseling. The careful exam of the Scripture helps us to conceive that humans are composed by two essential parts, which form an indivisible unity: body and soul or spirit. Understanding how these elements can relate and interact with each other can be very useful not only to understand ourselves, our identity, but also to help others to reach a plain Christian life. Considering that there isn’t a consensus about how this principle may be applied to the biblical counseling, in this research, we discuss how the biblical principle of integrality should be understood and could be used in the referred field. We expect to contribute with knowledge and adequate literature, so that the biblical mentors would give more appropriate orientation, leading people to a better quality of life and a better quality of their relationship with God, by means of taking good care of their body, their emotions, and their spirituality.
The aim of this bibliographic and analytical research is to relate the understanding of the human being as an indivisible one, as it is described in the Bible, with the practice of biblical counseling. The careful exam of the Scripture helps us to conceive that humans are composed by two essential parts, which form an indivisible unity: body and soul or spirit. Understanding how these elements can relate and interact with each other can be very useful not only to understand ourselves, our identity, but also to help others to reach a plain Christian life. Considering that there isn’t a consensus about how this principle may be applied to the biblical counseling, in this research, we discuss how the biblical principle of integrality should be understood and could be used in the referred field. We expect to contribute with knowledge and adequate literature, so that the biblical mentors would give more appropriate orientation, leading people to a better quality of life and a better quality of their relationship with God, by means of taking good care of their body, their emotions, and their spirituality.
corpo , alma , Espírito , aconselhamento bíblico , vida cristã , body , soul , Spirit , biblical mentorship , christian life