Admissibilidade e limites de produção de provas obtidas por meio da infiltração policial no crime organizado
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Vieira, Thaís Evangelista
Medeiros, Thamara Duarte Cunha
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O combate ao crime organizado é um tema amplamente discutido em razão da
dificuldade de se obter um mecanismo útil, necessário e eficiente para a colheita de provas
em seu meio. Nessa perspectiva, a Lei nº 12.850/13 regulamenta a infiltração policial como
meio excepcional de obtenção de prova no combate à criminalidade organizada, que será
considerada apenas quando esgotados todos os meios ordinários de investigação. Apesar de
sua previsão legal, a infiltração policial é muito questionada, sobretudo no que diz respeito
aos limites para produção de provas dentro desse instituto, bem como à admissibilidade e
possibilidade de utilização dessas evidências. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho é analisar
em que circunstâncias essa medida poderá ser utilizada, sua eficácia e limitações e, por fim,
a admissibilidade e os limites de produção de provas nesse âmbito. Para tanto, a
metodologia utilizada contempla levantamento bibliográfico, que inclui doutrinas,
jurisprudências, os diplomas legais que normatizam temas relacionados às organizações
criminosas e a Constituição Federal. Outrossim, a análise textual, temática e interpretativa
também será utilizada como método de pesquisa.
The fight against organized crime is a topic widely discussed due to the difficulty of obtaining a useful, necessary and efficient mechanism for the collection of evidence in your environment.In this perspective, the law nº 12.850 / 13 regulates police infiltration as an exceptional means of obtaining evidence in the fight against organized crime, which will be considered only when all ordinary means of investigation have been exhausted. Despite its legal provision, police infiltration is highly questioned, especially with regard to the limits for the production of evidence within this institute, as well as the admissibility and possibility of using this evidence. Thus, the objective of the work is to analyze under what circumstances this measure can be used, its effectiveness and limitations and, finally, the admissibility and limits of production of evidence in this context. To this end, the methodology used includes a bibliographic survey, which includes doctrines, jurisprudence, legal diplomas that regulate themes related to criminal organizations and the Federal Constitution. Furthermore, textual, thematic and interpretive analysis will also be used as a research method.
The fight against organized crime is a topic widely discussed due to the difficulty of obtaining a useful, necessary and efficient mechanism for the collection of evidence in your environment.In this perspective, the law nº 12.850 / 13 regulates police infiltration as an exceptional means of obtaining evidence in the fight against organized crime, which will be considered only when all ordinary means of investigation have been exhausted. Despite its legal provision, police infiltration is highly questioned, especially with regard to the limits for the production of evidence within this institute, as well as the admissibility and possibility of using this evidence. Thus, the objective of the work is to analyze under what circumstances this measure can be used, its effectiveness and limitations and, finally, the admissibility and limits of production of evidence in this context. To this end, the methodology used includes a bibliographic survey, which includes doctrines, jurisprudence, legal diplomas that regulate themes related to criminal organizations and the Federal Constitution. Furthermore, textual, thematic and interpretive analysis will also be used as a research method.
crime organizado , organizações criminosas , lei nº 12.850/13 , infiltração policial , organized crime , criminal organizations , law nº 12.850/2013 , police infiltration