Sucessão de bens na união estável: companheiro como herdeiro necessário
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Hutter, Stephanie
Maltez, Maria de Fátima do Monte
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O presente trabalho monográfico tem como objetivo abordar os direitos sucessórios da união estável, com foco nos direitos dos companheiros sobreviventes e na localização que o companheiro está inserido na ordem de vocação hereditária no momento do falecimento de seu companheiro, além da possibilidade de sua classificação ou não como herdeiro necessário. A metodologia utilizada é a pesquisa bibliográfica, baseando-se nas diversas posições doutrinárias existentes, além da pesquisa jurisprudencial e a análise da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal que declarou o artigo 1.790 do Código Civil como inconstitucional por hierarquizar o casamento em relação à união estável e de violar os princípios constitucionais, quais sejam: princípio da igualdade, princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana, princípio da proporcionalidade na modalidade de proibição à proteção deficiente e, por último, o da vedação ao retrocesso. Conclui-se que a decisão da Suprema Corte de declarar inconstitucional o artigo 1.790 do Código Civil foi a mais adequada à situação dos companheiros, bem como o posicionamento majorante da doutrina em considerar o companheiro como herdeiro necessário e a de consentir que este possa gozar do direito real de habitação.
The present monographic work aims to address the succession rights of the stable union, focusing on the rights of surviving companions and the location where the partner is inserted in the order of hereditary vocation at the time of the death of their partner, in addition to the possibility of their classification or not as a necessary heir. The methodology used is bibliographic research, based on the various existing doctrinal positions, in addition to the jurisprudential research and the analysis of the decision of the Supreme Federal Court that declared article 1.790 of the Civil Code as unconstitutional for hierarchizing the marriage in relation to the stable union and to violate constitutional principles, namely: principle of equality, principle of dignity of the human being, principle of proportionality in the form of prohibition against deficient protection and, finally, the prohibition against retrogression. It was concluded that the decision of the Supreme Court to declare article 1.790 of the Civil Code unconstitutional was the most appropriate for the companions, as well as the major position of the doctrine in considering the companion as a necessary heir and allowing that the person may enjoy the real housing right.
The present monographic work aims to address the succession rights of the stable union, focusing on the rights of surviving companions and the location where the partner is inserted in the order of hereditary vocation at the time of the death of their partner, in addition to the possibility of their classification or not as a necessary heir. The methodology used is bibliographic research, based on the various existing doctrinal positions, in addition to the jurisprudential research and the analysis of the decision of the Supreme Federal Court that declared article 1.790 of the Civil Code as unconstitutional for hierarchizing the marriage in relation to the stable union and to violate constitutional principles, namely: principle of equality, principle of dignity of the human being, principle of proportionality in the form of prohibition against deficient protection and, finally, the prohibition against retrogression. It was concluded that the decision of the Supreme Court to declare article 1.790 of the Civil Code unconstitutional was the most appropriate for the companions, as well as the major position of the doctrine in considering the companion as a necessary heir and allowing that the person may enjoy the real housing right.
direito sucessório , união estável , inconstitucionalidade , artigo 1.790 do código civil , succession right , stable union , unconstitutional , article 1.790 of the civil code